Here’s information on the index items for the Christmas event!
List of items for this event, press the red “+” to unlock the item information. The video is displayed below the item, along with its tierlist, activation and cooldown, if any.
Rune of Strength
When attacking, XXX1 % chance of dealing XXX2 % of weapon damage to a target over XXX3 sec. The target affected takes XXX4 % more damage.
When attacking, XXX1 % chance of restoring XXX2 % health to self and dealing extra damage equal to XXX3 % of the target’s max health.
When attacking, XXX1 % chance of stunning enemies within a small area for XXX2 sec.
When attacking, XXX1 % chance of dealing splash damage equal to XXX2 % of the fighter’s area damage. This blow has a chance of XXX3 % to deal triple damage.
Critical hits deal triple damage. When attacking, has XXX1 % chance of landing a penentrating blow that will deal quadruple damage. Attacks are guaranteed to be penetrating when attacking a unit that has more than XXX2 % health.
Rune of Dexterity
The unit’s attacks have a XXX1 % chance of ignoring all of the target’s armor.
- When attacking, XXX1 % chance of dealing XXX2 damage to a group of enemies. All targets affected lose XXX3 % of their max health over XXX4 sec.
- When attacking, XXX1 chance of dealing XXX2 % of weapon damage to a target over XXX3 sec and restoring as much health to self.
- When attacking, XXX1 % chance of dealing XXX2 damage to a group of enemies. All targets affected lose XXX3 % of their max health over XXX4 sec.
- When attacking, XXX1 chance of dealing XXX2 % of weapon damage to a target over XXX3 sec and restoring as much health to self.
On dealing XXX1 damage, summons a turret that cannot be killed and deals XXX2 damage per second. Every XXX3 damage done by the turret’s owner enhances damage done by the turret by XXX4 (stack XXX5 times).
The turret is destroyed when its owner is killed.
Level 25-35
Activation : Once in a while
Summons an ice storm for 4 sec. Freezes a random target every second, disabling it for 0,6 sec.
Level 35-45
Activation : Once in a while
Summons an ice storm for 4 sec. Freezes a random target every second, disabling it for 0,7 sec.
Level 45-60
Activation : Once in a while
Summons an ice storm for 4 sec. Freezes a random target every second, disabling it for 0,7 sec.
Level 60-75
Activation : Once in a while
Summons an ice storm for 4 sec. Freezes a random target every second, disabling it for 0,8 sec.
Level 75-90
Activation : Once in a while
Summons an ice storm for 4 sec. Freezes a random target every second, disabling it for 0,8 sec.
Level 90-100
Activation : Once in a while
Summons an ice storm for 4 sec. Freezes a random target every second, disabling it for 0,9 sec.
Rune of Transformation
Activation : Once in a while
Summons an ice storm for XXX1 sec. Freezes a random target every second, disabling for XXX2 sec. Increase the damage dealt to the frozen enemy by XXX3 %. After the enemy has been unfrozen, reduces her speed by XXX4 % and the attack of her next attack by XXX5.
Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
1st Activation : 5 sec
Cooldown : 15 sec: 8 sec