The Donkey will be available from Throne 2 and the unique items will be available from Throne 5, meanwhile the Dragon appears from Throne 5
The information about the Donkey:-
Donkey items that be available (click on the + for more information)

“Magic Beans”
Triggers: Once every while
The fighter with the lowest current health is cleared of all negative effects, restores {…} health and receives a shield that reduces damage taken by {…} for {…} seconds.
If the owner ends up with the lowest current health, the ability is applied to him.

The fighter with the lowest current health is cleared of all negative effects, restores {…} health and receives a shield that reduces damage taken by {…} for {…} seconds. Also, the fighter’s maximum health and physical and magical armor increase by {…} for {…} s. If the owner ends up with the lowest current health, the ability is applied to him.
In the time we have these items:-
These items the be available, guess what item came out form the chest???
To be clear what we was getting before these are was old items that appeared:-
Diamond Chest
Zuka Items

“Scarlet Brotherhood”
Once every time, sets the target of the attack and {…} enemy fighters closest to it on fire. Burning units suffer {…} magic damage and their healing is reduced by {…} for {…} seconds. If a unit set on fire by a sword ability dies within {…} seconds, it cannot be revived for {…} seconds. At the end of the burning, enemy fighters set on fire receive {…} pure damage

“Scarlet Brotherhood”
Throughout the battle, the fighter’s physical and magical armor increases depending on the current health of the armor owner. The less health, the greater the boost. The maximum increase in physical armor is {…}, magic armor – {…}. Once every time, the increase in physical and magical armor from the armor ability increases by {…} times.

Throughout the battle, the fighter’s durability and physical and magical armor increases depending on the current health of the armor owner. The less health, the greater the boost. The maximum increase in physical armor is {…}, magic armor – {…}. Once every time, the increase in durability and physical and magical armor from the armor ability increases by {…} times for {…} seconds.

“Scarlet Seal”
With {…} a chance, when attacking, the fighter can either freeze the target or turn it into stone. When frozen, the target cannot move or attack for {…} seconds. Also on {…} p. The cooldown time of the target’s equipment and artifact abilities increases. When turned to stone, the target cannot move or attack for {…} s. and takes {…} more damage.

“Ties of Brotherhood”
Once every time, the fighter provokes opponents and forces them to attack him for {…} seconds. and receives a shield that blocks {…} damage for {…} s.

“Scarlet Stone Totem”
When a fighter’s health is below {…}, all incoming damage to the fighter is reduced by {…}, and incoming healing is increased by {…}.

“Secret Performer”
Once every time, a fighter shoots a huge bolt at a random enemy fighter. The bolt stuns the target for {…} seconds. The target and all enemy fighters in a small radius around it have their damage reduced by {…} and their incoming damage increased by {…} for {…} s.

“Secret Executor”
Once every time, the fighter’s damage increases by {…} for {…} s. During this time, when dealing damage with an attack, the fighter receives a shield equal to {…} from the damage caused by the attack. Maximum {…} effects. The shield blocks all damage and lasts no more than {…} seconds.

Once every time, the fighter’s damage increases by {…} for {…} s. During this time, when dealing damage with an attack, the fighter places on himself and a random allied fighter (priority a warrior) a shield equal to {…} from the damage caused by the attack. Maximum {…} effects. The shield blocks all damage and lasts no more than {…} seconds.

“Performance Guarantee”
Once every time a fighter receives an effect that restricts movement, stuns, freezes, petrifies, fears or slows, he restores {heal} health over {…} seconds. and with {…} a chance to remove a random negative effect. If you can do this, the next {…} attacks are guaranteed to cause critical damage.

“Secret Retribution”
Once every time, the fighter increases his maximum health by {…} for {…} s. for every dead soldier on the battlefield. The fighter also increases his damage by {…} for {…} s. for every living fighter on the battlefield.

“Totem Mark of the Artist”
Once every time, the target of the fighter’s attack takes pure damage equal to {…} of its maximum health.
Diamond Chest skins
Diamond Chest Artifacts
Dragon Merchant