Access to Gem Bay is unlocked at Throne 8.
How do you get this activity ?

Gem Bay menu looks like this:

Framed in:
- Red: Launch the Gem Bay Expedition.
- Blue: Ranking of the best players of the week.
- Orange: Number of Kraken Tokens you have.
- Yellow: Gem Bay store.
The shop

First, you need to select your fighters.
Framed in:

- Red: Select the fighters who will participate in the expedition (maximum of 12)
- Yellow: Automatically deploys your best fighters based on power value
- Green: Your available fighters (in your castle) & their respective levels.
- Violet: the power of your quest.
- Orange: automatically deploys the last team used.
Then, you can add a total of 12 spells from your spell inventory. The “Fill” button automatically fills spells from left to right (this is not optimal if you have many kinds of spells, do it by hand).

1) You can leave the bay at any time without interrupting it thanks to the ‘X’ button located at the top right.
2) Spells reserved for the Gem Bay are taken out of your spell inventory, take the opportunity to go to the Magic Workshop and create spells. This will save you time later.
After that, return to the bay and go do your quest.
During your quest, you will have to carry out 15 battles against other players. Your opponents are determined by your Historical Power Max (HP, indicated on your profile).

Once per day, an advertisement is available that resurrects and heals all of your allies. The reset timer is at 2h00 GMT + 2 Summer time (Daylight savings time) and 1h00 GMT + 1 Winter time (Standard Time).
Mercenaries are not resurrected with this advertising.
As soon as you run out of fighters or have beaten all your opponents, you can click on the “Claim Reward” button.
You will find your Gem Bay Chest in your messages (inbox).
The Resume

You have all information too on this Youtube Channel :