Here’s information on the index items for the Unicorn event!
List of items for this event, press the red “+” to unlock the item information. The video is displayed below the item, along with its tierlist, activation and cooldown, if any.
Concentration of Wrath Orb
Level 19-20
- Magic Damage : /
- Spell Power : /
- Crit : /
Once in a while, deals {945 – 955} (+Spell Power Bonus) damage and an extra {1 052 – 1 073} to {2 446 – 2 465} damage to the target depending on the target’s health : the less health the target has, the more damage is done. Instantly kills the target if the target if the target has less than 35 % health.
Level 29-30
- Magic Damage : 559 – 567
- Spell Power : 501 – 527
- Crit : 555 – 583
Once in a while, deals {1 463 – 1 538} (+Spell Power Bonus) damage and an extra {1 431 – 1 505} to {3 340 – 3 511} damage to the target depending on the target’s health : the less health the target has, the more damage is done. Instantly kills the target if the target if the target has less than 35 % health.
Level 39-40
- Magic Damage : 1 019 – 1 033
- Spell Power : 936 – 983
- Crit : 865 – 909
Once in a while, deals {2 730 – 2 870} (+Spell Power Bonus) damage and an extra {2 670 – 2 807} to {6 230 – 6 550} damage to the target depending on the target’s health : the less health the target has, the more damage is done. Instantly kills the target if the target if the target has less than 35 % health.
Level 53-55
- Magic Damage : 1 348 – 1 367
- Spell Power : 1 238 – 1 300
- Crit : 1 117 – 1 173
Once in a while, deals {3 611 – 3 796} (+Spell Power Bonus) damage and an extra {3 532 – 3 713} to {8 239 – 8 662} damage to the target depending on the target’s health : the less health the target has, the more damage is done. Instantly kills the target if the target if the target has less than 35 % health.
Level 67-70
- Magic Damage : 1 783 – 1 807
- Spell Power : 1 637 – 1 719
- Crit : 1 369 – 1 438
Once in a while, deals {4 774 – 5 019} (+Spell Power Bonus) damage and an extra {4 671 – 4 910} to {10 897 – 11 456} damage to the target depending on the target’s health : the less health the target has, the more damage is done. Instantly kills the target if the target if the target has less than 35 % health.
Level 82-85
- Magic Damage : 2 358 – 2 390
- Spell Power : 2 164 – 2 273
- Crit : 1 622 – 1 704
Once in a while, deals {6 314 – 6 637} (+Spell Power Bonus) damage and an extra {6 176 – 6 492} to {14 410 – 15 150} damage to the target depending on the target’s health : the less health the target has, the more damage is done. Instantly kills the target if the target if the target has less than 35 % health.
Level 98-100
- Magic Damage : 3 118 – 3 161
- Spell Power : 2 863 – 3 007
- Crit : 1 873 – 1 967
Once in a while, deals {8 350 – 8 778} (+Spell Power Bonus) damage and an extra {8 168 – 8 587} to {19 059 – 20 035} damage to the target depending on the target’s health : the less health the target has, the more damage is done. Instantly kills the target if the target if the target has less than 35 % health.
Once in a while, deals {8 778 – 20 748} (+Spell Power Bonus) damage and an extra {8 587 – 20 297} to {20 035 – 47 355} damage to the target depending on the target’s health : the less health the target has, the more damage is done. Instantly kills the target if the target if the target has less than 35 % health.
Rune of Wisdom
Once in a while, deals XXX1 (+Spell Power Bonus) damage to the target and an extra XXX2 – XXX3 damage depending on the target’s health : more health means greater damage. Kills the target instantly if it has less than XXX4 % health. XXX5 of the damage done is distributed among all allies as healing.
Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : B
Activation : 4 sec
Cooldown : 6 sec
Celestial Wizard Outfit
Level 19-20
- Health : /
- Spell Power : /
Once in a while on death, summons a minion that has 4 476 health and healing ability. Heals 1 200 per second. Lasts for 12 sec.
Level 29-30
- Health : 9 469 – 9 944
- Spell Power : 3 900 – 4 096
Once in a while on death, summons a minion that has 5 133 health and healing ability. Heals 1 600 per second. Lasts for 12 sec.
Level 39-40
- Health : 17 673 – 18 558
- Spell Power : 7 279 – 7 644
Once in a while on death, summons a minion that has 8 654 health and healing ability. Heals 3 000 per second. Lasts for 12 sec.
Level 53-55
- Health : 23 371 – 24 540
- Spell Power : 9 625 – 10 107
Once in a while on death, summons a minion that has 11 451 health and healing ability. Heals 4 200 per second. Lasts for 12 sec.
Level 67-70
- Health : 30 909 – 32 455
- Spell Power : 12 728 – 13 365
Once in a while on death, summons a minion that has 14 968 health and healing ability. Heals 5 500 per second. Lasts for 12 sec.
Level 82-85
- Health : 40 877 – 42 921
- Spell Power : 16 832 – 17 675
Once in a while on death, summons a minion that has 19 480 health and healing ability. Heals 7 000 per second. Lasts for 12 sec.
Level 98-100
- Health : 54 060 – 56 764
- Spell Power : 22 264 – 23 378
Once in a while on death, summons a minion that has 25 293 health and healing ability. Heals 10 300 per second. Lasts for 12 sec.
Once in a while on death, summons a minion that has 30 373 health and healing ability. Heals 11 500 per second. Lasts for 12 sec.
Rune of Magic
On death, summons a minion with healing ability once in a while. Health XXX1, healing XXX2 per second. When the minion dies, restores XXX3 health in all allies. Lasts for XXX4 sec.
Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
Activation : 1 sec
Cooldown : / sec
Happy Pendant Amulet
Level 19-20
- Spell Power : /
- Magic Armor : /
- Health : /
Level 29-30
- Spell Power : 587 – 629
- Magic Armor : 928 – 993
- Health : 4 205 – 4 500
Level 39-40
- Spell Power : 1 044 – 1 118
- Magic Armor : 1 082 – 1 158
- Health : 7 281 – 7 791
Level 53-55
- Spell Power : 1 381 – 1 478
- Magic Armor : 1 397 – 1 495
- Health : 9 630 – 10 305
Level 67-70
- Spell Power : 1 826 – 1 954
- Magic Armor : 1 712 – 1 832
- Health : 12 735 – 13 627
Level 82-85
- Spell Power : 2 414 – 2 583
- Magic Armor : 2 027 – 2 169
- Health : 16 842 – 18 021
Level 98-100
- Spell Power : 3 194 – 3 418
- Magic Armor : 2 342 – 2 506
- Health : 22 274 – 23 834
Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
Activation : / sec
Cooldown : / sec
Level 14-25
Activation : Once in a while
Teleports behind the enemies’ back for 4,5 sec. The first blow struck after teleporting deals 2 000 extra damage.
Level 25-35
Activation : Once in a while
Teleports behind the enemies’ back for 4,5 sec. The first blow struck after teleporting deals 2 700 extra damage.
Level 35-45
Activation : Once in a while
Teleports behind the enemies’ back for 6,5 sec. The first blow struck after teleporting deals 4 800 extra damage.
Level 45-60
Activation : Once in a while
Teleports behind the enemies’ back for 6,5 sec. The first blow struck after teleporting deals 6 400 extra damage.
Level 60-75
Activation : Once in a while
Teleports behind the enemies’ back for 6,5 sec. The first blow struck after teleporting deals 8 300 extra damage.
Level 75-90
Activation : Once in a while
Teleports behind the enemies’ back for 6,5 sec. The first blow struck after teleporting deals 12 000 extra damage.
Level 90-100
Activation : Once in a while
Teleports behind the enemies’ back for 6,5 sec. The first blow struck after teleporting deals 16 000 extra damage.
Rune of Transformation
Activation : Once in a while
Teleports behind the enemy’s back for XXX1 sec. The first blow struck after teleporting deals XXX2 extra damage and disarms the target for XXX3 sec.
Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
1st Activation : 5 sec
Cooldown : 15 sec: 7 sec