Here’s information on the index items for the Underwater event!
List of items for this event, press the red “+” to unlock the item information. The video is displayed below the item, along with its tierlist, activation and cooldown, if any.
Power of the Seas Sword
Level 29-30
- Damage : 1 437 – 1 449
- Crit : 541 – 569
When attacking, the unit has a 17 % chance of teleporting itself amidst the enemies and dealing 3 100 splash damage, stunning nearby enemies for 0,5 sec.
Level 39-40
- Damage : 2 709 – 2 732
- Crit : 844 – 887
When attacking, the unit has a 17 % chance of teleporting itself amidst the enemies and dealing 3 700 splash damage, stunning nearby enemies for 0,5 sec.
Level 53-55
- Damage : 3 582 – 3 612
- Crit : 1 090 – 1 145
When attacking, the unit has a 17 % chance of teleporting itself amidst the enemies and dealing 4 300 splash damage, stunning nearby enemies for 0,5 sec.
Level 67-70
- Damage : 4 736 – 4 776
- Crit : 1 336 – 1 403
When attacking, the unit has a 17 % chance of teleporting itself amidst the enemies and dealing 5 100 splash damage, stunning nearby enemies for 0,5 sec.
Level 82-85
- Damage : 6 264 – 6 316
- Crit : 1 582 – 1 662
When attacking, the unit has a 17 % chance of teleporting itself amidst the enemies and dealing 6 000 splash damage, stunning nearby enemies for 0,5 sec.
Level 98-100
- Damage : 8 284 – 8 353
- Crit : 1 827 – 1 919
When attacking, the unit has a 17 % chance of teleporting itself amidst the enemies and dealing 7 000 splash damage, stunning nearby enemies for 0,5 sec.
When attacking, the unit has a 17 % chance of teleporting itself amidst the enemies and dealing {9 100 – 17 500} splash damage, stunning nearby enemies for 0,7 sec.
Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
Activation : / sec
Cooldown : / sec
Terror of the Seas Wand
Level 29-30
- Magic Damage : 663 – 671
- Spell Power : 501 – 527
Attacks have a 40 % chance of cursing the target and nearby enemies. If the cursed target has more than 25 % health, it takes 80 % (+Spell Power Bonus) more damage for 8 sec. If the cursed target has less than 25 % health, it cannot be resurrected for 7 (+Spell Power Bonus) sec.
Level 39-40
- Magic Damage : 1 234 – 1 249
- Spell Power : 936 – 983
Attacks have a 40 % chance of cursing the target and nearby enemies. If the cursed target has more than 25 % health, it takes 80 % (+Spell Power Bonus) more damage for 8 sec. If the cursed target has less than 25 % health, it cannot be resurrected for 7 (+Spell Power Bonus) sec.
Level 53-55
- Magic Damage : 1 632 – 1 652
- Spell Power : 1 238 – 1 300
Attacks have a 40 % chance of cursing the target and nearby enemies. If the cursed target has more than 25 % health, it takes 80 % (+Spell Power Bonus) more damage for 8 sec. If the cursed target has less than 25 % health, it cannot be resurrected for 7 (+Spell Power Bonus) sec.
Level 67-70
- Magic Damage : 2 158 – 2 185
- Spell Power : 1 637 – 1 719
Attacks have a 40 % chance of cursing the target and nearby enemies. If the cursed target has more than 25 % health, it takes 80 % (+Spell Power Bonus) more damage for 8 sec. If the cursed target has less than 25 % health, it cannot be resurrected for 7 (+Spell Power Bonus) sec.
Level 82-85
- Magic Damage : 2 854 – 2 890
- Spell Power : 2 164 – 2 273
Attacks have a 40 % chance of cursing the target and nearby enemies. If the cursed target has more than 25 % health, it takes 80 % (+Spell Power Bonus) more damage for 8 sec. If the cursed target has less than 25 % health, it cannot be resurrected for 7 (+Spell Power Bonus) sec.
Level 98-100
- Magic Damage : 3 774 – 3 821
- Spell Power : 2 863 – 3 007
Attacks have a 40 % chance of cursing the target and nearby enemies. If the cursed target has more than 25 % health, it takes 80 % (+Spell Power Bonus) more damage for 8 sec. If the cursed target has less than 25 % health, it cannot be resurrected for 7 (+Spell Power Bonus) sec.
Attacks have a 40 % chance of cursing the target and nearby enemies. If the cursed target has more than 25 % health, it takes 90 % (+Spell Power Bonus) more damage for 8 sec. If the cursed target has less than 25 % health, it cannot be resurrected for 8 (+Spell Power Bonus) sec.
Rune of Wisdom
Attacks have a XXX1 % chance of cursing the target and nearby enemies. If the cursed target has more than XXX2 % health, it takes XXX3 % (+Spell Power Bonus) more damage for XXX4 sec and is silenced for XXX5 sec. If the cursed target has less than XXX6 health, it cannot be resurrected for XXX7 (+Spell Power Bonus) sec and has its healing efficiency reduced by XXX8 % sec.
Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : C
Activation : / sec
Cooldown : / sec
Lord of the Sea Crossbow
Level 29-30
- Damage : 1 242 – 1 430
- Crit : 541 – 569
Attacks have a 25 % chance of stunning the enemy for 3 sec and deal 20 000 damage over 3 sec. If the enemy is killed during that period, summons a minion that stuns the enemy for a short time with each hit.
Level 39-40
- Damage : 2 336 – 2 609
- Crit : 844 – 887
Attacks have a 25 % chance of stunning the enemy for 3 sec and deal 23 500 damage over 3 sec. If the enemy is killed during that period, summons a minion that stuns the enemy for a short time with each hit.
Level 53-55
- Damage : 3 089 – 3 451
- Crit : 1 090 – 1 145
Attacks have a 25 % chance of stunning the enemy for 3 sec and deal 27 600 damage over 3 sec. If the enemy is killed during that period, summons a minion that stuns the enemy for a short time with each hit.
Level 67-70
- Damage : 4 263 – 4 386
- Crit : 1 336 – 1 403
Attacks have a 25 % chance of stunning the enemy for 3 sec and deal 32 500 damage over 3 sec. If the enemy is killed during that period, summons a minion that stuns the enemy for a short time with each hit.
Level 82-85
- Damage : 5 638 – 5 800
- Crit : 1 582 – 1 662
Attacks have a 25 % chance of stunning the enemy for 3 sec and deal 38 300 damage over 3 sec. If the enemy is killed during that period, summons a minion that stuns the enemy for a short time with each hit.
Level 98-100
- Damage : 7 457 – 7 670
- Crit : 1 827 – 1 919
Attacks have a 25 % chance of stunning the enemy for 3 sec and deal 45 000 damage over 3 sec. If the enemy is killed during that period, summons a minion that stuns the enemy for a short time with each hit.
Attacks have a 25 % chance of stunning the enemy for 3,5 sec and deal {58 500 – 112 500} damage over 3,5 sec. If the enemy is killed during that period, summons a minion that stuns the enemy for a short time with each hit.
Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
Activation : / sec
Cooldown : 1 sec
Power of the Sea Plate Mail
Level 29-30
- Health : 22 214 – 23 326
- Armor : 2 042 – 2 145
- Magic Armor : 541 – 569
Once in a while, when the unit’s health is critically low, makes the unit invulnerable to debuffs for 5 sec and stuns nearby enemies for 2 sec.
Level 39-40
- Health : 41 434 – 43 506
- Armor : 2 935 – 3 082
- Magic Armor : 844 – 887
Once in a while, when the unit’s health is critically low, makes the unit invulnerable to debuffs for 5 sec and stuns nearby enemies for 2 sec.
Level 53-55
- Health : 54 797 – 57 538
- Armor : 3 789 – 3 979
- Magic Armor : 1 090 – 1 145
Once in a while, when the unit’s health is critically low, makes the unit invulnerable to debuffs for 5 sec and stuns nearby enemies for 2 sec.
Level 67-70
- Health : 72 468 – 76 092
- Armor : 4 644 – 4 877
- Magic Armor : 1 336 – 1 403
Once in a while, when the unit’s health is critically low, makes the unit invulnerable to debuffs for 5 sec and stuns nearby enemies for 2 sec.
Level 82-85
- Health : 95 838 – 100 631
- Armor : 5 499 – 5 774
- Magic Armor : 1 582 – 1 662
Once in a while, when the unit’s health is critically low, makes the unit invulnerable to debuffs for 5 sec and stuns nearby enemies for 2 sec.
Level 98-100
- Health : 126 746 – 133 084
- Armor : 6 354 – 6 672
- Magic Armor : 1 827 – 1 919
Once in a while, when the unit’s health is critically low, makes the unit invulnerable to debuffs for 5 sec and stuns nearby enemies for 2 sec.
Once in a while, when the unit’s health is critically low, makes the unit invulnerable to debuffs for 5 sec and stuns nearby enemies for 2 sec.
Rune of Tenacity
Once in a while, when the unit’s health is critically low, makes the unit invulnerable to debuffs for XXX1 sec, restores XXX2 % of its max health over XXX3 sec, and stuns nearby enemies for XXX4 sec.
Tier Little Throne : A
Tier Throne 11 : S
Activation : 7 sec
Cooldown : 9 sec
Terror of the Seas Outfit
Level 29-30
- Health : 9 469 – 9 944
- Spell Power : 3 900 – 4 096
Once in a while, when the unit is killed, resurrects a random ally with 20 000 (+Spell Power Bonus). This ability cannot resurrect the outfit wearer.
Level 39-40
- Health : 17 673 – 18 558
- Spell Power : 7 279 – 7 644
Once in a while, when the unit is killed, resurrects a random ally with 23 500 (+Spell Power Bonus). This ability cannot resurrect the outfit wearer.
Level 53-55
- Health : 23 371 – 24 540
- Spell Power : 9 625 – 10 107
Once in a while, when the unit is killed, resurrects a random ally with 27 600 (+Spell Power Bonus). This ability cannot resurrect the outfit wearer.
Level 67-70
- Health : 30 909 – 32 455
- Spell Power : 12 728 – 13 365
Once in a while, when the unit is killed, resurrects a random ally with 32 500 (+Spell Power Bonus). This ability cannot resurrect the outfit wearer.
Level 82-85
- Health : 40 877 – 42 921
- Spell Power : 16 832 – 17 675
Once in a while, when the unit is killed, resurrects a random ally with 38 300 (+Spell Power Bonus). This ability cannot resurrect the outfit wearer.
Level 98-100
- Health : 54 060 – 56 764
- Spell Power : 22 264 – 23 378
Once in a while, when the unit is killed, resurrects a random ally with 45 000 (+Spell Power Bonus). This ability cannot resurrect the outfit wearer.
Once in a while, when the unit is killed, resurrects a random ally with {58 500 – 112 500} (+Spell Power Bonus). This ability cannot resurrect the outfit wearer.
Rune of Magic
Once in a while, when the unit is killed, resurrects an ally with the greatest health with XXX1 (+Spell Power Bonus) health and restores an extra XXX2 % of the ally’s max health. This ability cannot resurrect the outfit wearer.
Tier Little Throne : C
Tier Throne 11 : C
Activation : 4 sec
Cooldown : 7 sec
Lord of the Sea Gear
Level 29-30
- Health : 11 107 – 11 663
- Damage : 1 124 – 1 190
Each hit steals 6 % of the target’s max health and 6 % of its damage (stacks up to 10 times).
Level 39-40
- Health : 20 718 – 21 755
- Damage : 2 115 – 2 240
Each hit steals 6 % of the target’s max health and 6 % of its damage (stacks up to 10 times).
Level 53-55
- Health : 27 398 – 28 768
- Damage : 2 797 – 2 962
Each hit steals 6 % of the target’s max health and 6 % of its damage (stacks up to 10 times).
Level 67-70
- Health : 36 234 – 38 046
- Damage : 3 699 – 3 918
Each hit steals 6 % of the target’s max health and 6 % of its damage (stacks up to 10 times).
Level 82-85
- Health : 47 919 – 50 316
- Damage : 4 892 – 5 181
Each hit steals 6 % of the target’s max health and 6 % of its damage (stacks up to 10 times).
Level 98-100
- Health : 63 374 – 66 543
- Damage : 6 469 – 6 850
Each hit steals 6 % of the target’s max health and 6 % of its damage (stacks up to 10 times).
Each hit steals 7 % of the target’s max health and 7 % of its damage (stacks up to 10 times).
Rune of Rage
Each hit steals XXX1 % of the target’s max health, XXX2 % of its damage, and XXX3 of its physical and magic armor (stacks up to XXX4 times).
Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
Activation : / sec
Cooldown : / sec
Star of the Seas Ring
Level 29-30
- Damage : 267 – 351
- Health : 3 525 – 4 626
Strengthens the wearer based on what is happening on the battlefield. Activates once per battle. Summoned minions don’t count.
-When the enemy has an advantage of 1 unit, the unit deals an extra 7 500 damage in 3 attacks and restores 17 700 of its health over 4 sec.
-When the enemy has an advantage of 2 units, the unit becomes invulnerable for 1,6 sec and deals 17 700 damage across a certain area.
Level 39-40
- Damage : 455 – 607
- Health : 6 009 – 8 010
Strengthens the wearer based on what is happening on the battlefield. Activates once per battle. Summoned minions don’t count.
-When the enemy has an advantage of 1 unit, the unit deals an extra 8 900 damage in 3 attacks and restores 20 900 of its health over 4 sec.
-When the enemy has an advantage of 2 units, the unit becomes invulnerable for 1,6 sec and deals 20 900 damage across a certain area.
Level 53-55
- Damage : 602 – 803
- Health : 7 944 – 10 593
Strengthens the wearer based on what is happening on the battlefield. Activates once per battle. Summoned minions don’t count.
-When the enemy has an advantage of 1 unit, the unit deals an extra 10 400 damage in 3 attacks and restores 24 600 of its health over 4 sec.
-When the enemy has an advantage of 2 units, the unit becomes invulnerable for 1,6 sec and deals 24 600 damage across a certain area.
Level 67-70
- Damage : 796 – 1 062
- Health : 10 507 – 14 009
Strengthens the wearer based on what is happening on the battlefield. Activates once per battle. Summoned minions don’t count.
-When the enemy has an advantage of 1 unit, the unit deals an extra 12 300 damage in 3 attacks and restores 28 900 of its health over 4 sec.
-When the enemy has an advantage of 2 units, the unit becomes invulnerable for 1,6 sec and deals 28 900 damage across a certain area.
Level 82-85
- Damage : 1 053 – 1 404
- Health : 13 896 – 18 527
Strengthens the wearer based on what is happening on the battlefield. Activates once per battle. Summoned minions don’t count.
-When the enemy has an advantage of 1 unit, the unit deals an extra 14 500 damage in 3 attacks and restores 34 000 of its health over 4 sec.
-When the enemy has an advantage of 2 units, the unit becomes invulnerable for 1,6 sec and deals 34 000 damage across a certain area.
Level 98-100
- Damage : 1 393 – 1 857
- Health : 18 377 – 24 502
Strengthens the wearer based on what is happening on the battlefield. Activates once per battle. Summoned minions don’t count.
-When the enemy has an advantage of 1 unit, the unit deals an extra 17 000 damage in 3 attacks and restores 40 000 of its health over 4 sec.
-When the enemy has an advantage of 2 units, the unit becomes invulnerable for 1,6 sec and deals 40 000 damage across a certain area.
Strengthens the wearer based on what is happening on the battlefield. Activates once per battle. Summoned minions don’t count.
-When the enemy has an advantage of 1 unit, the unit deals an extra {22 100 – 42 500} damage in 3 attacks and restores {52 000 – 100 000} of its health over 4 sec.
-When the enemy has an advantage of 2 units, the unit becomes invulnerable for 1,6 sec and deals {52 000 – 100 000} damage across a certain area.
Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
Activation : 1 sec
Cooldown : No Cooldown
Eight-Armed Killer Amulet
Level 29-30
- Armor : 664 – 927
- Health : 3 204 – 4 204
Resurrection restores 40 % more health if its target is an amulet wearer.
Once resurrected, the unit deals 18 000 splash damage.
Level 39-40
- Armor : 763 – 1 082
- Health : 5 461 – 7 281
Resurrection restores 40 % more health if its target is an amulet wearer.
Once resurrected, the unit deals 21 000 splash damage.
Level 53-55
- Armor : 986 – 1 397
- Health : 7 222 – 9 630
Resurrection restores 40 % more health if its target is an amulet wearer.
Once resurrected, the unit deals 25 000 splash damage.
Level 67-70
- Armor : 1 209 – 1 712
- Health : 9 551 – 12 734
Resurrection restores 40 % more health if its target is an amulet wearer.
Once resurrected, the unit deals 29 000 splash damage.
Level 82-85
- Armor : 1 430 – 2 027
- Health : 12 632 – 16 842
Resurrection restores 40 % more health if its target is an amulet wearer.
Once resurrected, the unit deals 34 000 splash damage.
Level 98-100
- Armor : 1 653 – 2 342
- Health : 16 706 – 22 274
Resurrection restores 40 % more health if its target is an amulet wearer.
Once resurrected, the unit deals 40 000 splash damage.
Resurrection restores 40 % more health if its target is an amulet wearer.
Once resurrected, the unit deals {52 000 – 90 000} splash damage.
Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
Activation : / sec
Cooldown : / sec
Tenacious Assistant
Level 25-35
Activation : Once in a while
Imbues the weapons of 4 random allies with the power of the depths for 1 strike. The effect depends on the unit type.
–Tanks reduce the target’s physical and magic armor by 35 % and reduce its healing efficiency by 70 %.
–Mages remove buffs from the target and deal 20 000 damage over 4 sec.
–Archers fire a shot that hits 2 more random enemies and deals 8 900 extra damage to those enemies and the main target.
Level 35-45
Activation : Once in a while
Imbues the weapons of 4 random allies with the power of the depths for 1 strike. The effect depends on the unit type.
–Tanks reduce the target’s physical and magic armor by 35 % and reduce its healing efficiency by 70 %.
–Mages remove buffs from the target and deal 23 500 damage over 4 sec.
–Archers fire a shot that hits 2 more random enemies and deals 10 400 extra damage to those enemies and the main target.
Level 45-60
Activation : Once in a while
Imbues the weapons of 4 random allies with the power of the depths for 1 strike. The effect depends on the unit type.
–Tanks reduce the target’s physical and magic armor by 35 % and reduce its healing efficiency by 70 %.
–Mages remove buffs from the target and deal 27 600 damage over 4 sec.
–Archers fire a shot that hits 2 more random enemies and deals 12 300 extra damage to those enemies and the main target.
Level 60-75
Activation : Once in a while
Imbues the weapons of 4 random allies with the power of the depths for 1 strike. The effect depends on the unit type.
–Tanks reduce the target’s physical and magic armor by 35 % and reduce its healing efficiency by 70 %.
–Mages remove buffs from the target and deal 32 500 damage over 4 sec.
–Archers fire a shot that hits 2 more random enemies and deals 14 500 extra damage to those enemies and the main target.
Level 75-90
Activation : Once in a while
Imbues the weapons of 4 random allies with the power of the depths for 1 strike. The effect depends on the unit type.
–Tanks reduce the target’s physical and magic armor by 35 % and reduce its healing efficiency by 70 %.
–Mages remove buffs from the target and deal 38 300 damage over 4 sec.
–Archers fire a shot that hits 2 more random enemies and deals 17 000 extra damage to those enemies and the main target.
Level 90-100
Activation : Once in a while
Imbues the weapons of 4 random allies with the power of the depths for 1 strike. The effect depends on the unit type.
–Tanks reduce the target’s physical and magic armor by 35 % and reduce its healing efficiency by 70 %.
–Mages remove buffs from the target and deal 20 000 damage over 4 sec.
–Archers fire a shot that hits 2 more random enemies and deals 45 000 extra damage to those enemies and the main target.
Rune of Transformation
Activation : Once in a while
Imbues the weapons of XXX1 random allies with the power of the depths for XXX2 strike. The effect depends on the unit type.
–Tanks reduce the target’s physical and magic armor by XXX3 %, reduce its healing efficiency by XXX4 %, and stun it for XXX5 sec.
–Mages remove buffs from the target, deal XXX6 damage over XXX7 sec, and reduce its attack speed by XXX8 %.
–Archers fire a shot that hits XXX9 more enemies with the least health and deals XXX10 extra damage to those enemies and the main target.
Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
1st Activation : 7 sec
Cooldown : 15 sec: 10 sec
Rage of the Sea Spear
Level 98-100
- Damage : 7 458 – 7 657
- Crit : 1 827 – 1 919
When landing a critical hit or a penetrating blow, has a 30 % chance of dealing splash damage equal to 50 % of the weapon damage.
For each enemy hit, the unit is healed by 7 000.
When landing a critical hit or a penetrating blow, has a 30 % chance of dealing splash damage equal to 60 % of the weapon damage.
For each enemy hit, the unit is healed by {9 100 – 17 500}.
Tier Throne 10 : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
Activation : / sec
Cooldown : / sec
Shark Buster Shotgun
Level 98-100
- Damage : 4 687 – 4 962
- Crit : 1 827 – 1 919
Turret : If the turret finishes the target, its next attack will deal 175 % more damage.
Attacks have a chance of summoning another invulnerable turret for 6 sec. The turret deals 11 000 damage per second. Every 40 000 damage done by the turret’s owner enhances damage done by the turret by 900 (stacks 5 times). The turret is destroyed when its owner is killed.
Turret : If the turret finishes the target, its next attack will deal 190 % more damage.
Attacks have a chance of summoning another invulnerable turret for 6 sec. The turret deals 16 000 damage per second. Every 40 000 damage done by the turret’s owner enhances damage done by the turret by 1 300 (stacks 5 times). The turret is destroyed when its owner is killed.
Tier Throne 10 : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
Activation : / sec
Cooldown : / sec