Here’s information on the index items for the Elven event!
List of items for this event, press the red “+” to unlock the item information. The video is displayed below the item, along with its tierlist, activation and cooldown, if any.
Elven Warrior Sword
Level 29-30
- Damage : 1 437 – 1 449
- Crit : 541 – 569
Attacks have a 20 % chance of inspiring the entire squad. The inspired allies’ next attack will deal 250 % more damage, and the sword wielder will deal 50 % more damage.
Level 39-40
- Damage : 2 709 – 2 732
- Crit : 844 – 887
Attacks have a 20 % chance of inspiring the entire squad. The inspired allies’ next attack will deal 250 % more damage, and the sword wielder will deal 50 % more damage.
Level 53-55
- Damage : 3 582 – 3 612
- Crit : 1 090 – 1 145
Attacks have a 20 % chance of inspiring the entire squad. The inspired allies’ next attack will deal 250 % more damage, and the sword wielder will deal 50 % more damage.
Level 67-70
- Damage : 4 736 – 4 776
- Crit : 1 336 – 1 403
Attacks have a 20 % chance of inspiring the entire squad. The inspired allies’ next attack will deal 250 % more damage, and the sword wielder will deal 50 % more damage.
Level 82-85
- Damage : 6 264 – 6 316
- Crit : 1 582 – 1 662
Attacks have a 20 % chance of inspiring the entire squad. The inspired allies’ next attack will deal 250 % more damage, and the sword wielder will deal 50 % more damage.
Level 98-100
- Damage : 8 284 – 8 353
- Crit : 1 827 – 1 919
Attacks have a 20 % chance of inspiring the entire squad. The inspired allies’ next attack will deal 250 % more damage, and the sword wielder will deal 50 % more damage.
Attacks have a 20 % chance of inspiring the entire squad. The inspired allies’ next attack will deal 270 % more damage, and the sword wielder will deal 60 % more damage.
Tier Little Throne : C
Tier Throne 11 : D
Activation : / sec
Cooldown : / sec
Elven Mage Orb
Level 29-30
- Magic Damage : 617 – 625
- Spell Power : 501 – 526
Once in a while, summons a wisp of life that attacks the enemy with the least health. The wisp deals 1 725 damage per second and lasts for 18 sec. After the 5 wisp is summoned, each wisp summoned by the unit onto the battlefield will deal 1 646 (+Spell Power Bonus) damage to the enemy with the greatest health and then expire.
Level 39-40
- Magic Damage : 1 160 – 1 176
- Spell Power : 936 – 983
Once in a while, summons a wisp of life that attacks the enemy with the least health. The wisp deals 2 500 damage per second and lasts for 18 sec. After the 5 wisp is summoned, each wisp summoned by the unit onto the battlefield will deal 2 352 (+Spell Power Bonus) damage to the enemy with the greatest health and then expire.
Level 53-55
- Magic Damage : 1 535 – 1 555
- Spell Power : 1 238 – 1 300
Once in a while, summons a wisp of life that attacks the enemy with the least health. The wisp deals 3 600 damage per second and lasts for 18 sec. After the 5 wisp is summoned, each wisp summoned by the unit onto the battlefield will deal 3 360 (+Spell Power Bonus) damage to the enemy with the greatest health and then expire.
Level 67-70
- Magic Damage : 2 030 – 2 057
- Spell Power : 1 637 – 1 719
Once in a while, summons a wisp of life that attacks the enemy with the least health. The wisp deals 4 800 damage per second and lasts for 18 sec. After the 5 wisp is summoned, each wisp summoned by the unit onto the battlefield will deal 4 480 (+Spell Power Bonus) damage to the enemy with the greatest health and then expire.
Level 82-85
- Magic Damage : 2 684 – 2 720
- Spell Power : 2 164 – 2 272
Once in a while, summons a wisp of life that attacks the enemy with the least health. The wisp deals 6 000 damage per second and lasts for 18 sec. After the 5 wisp is summoned, each wisp summoned by the unit onto the battlefield will deal 5 600 (+Spell Power Bonus) damage to the enemy with the greatest health and then expire.
Level 98-100
- Magic Damage : 3 549 – 3 597
- Spell Power : 2 863 – 3 006
Once in a while, summons a wisp of life that attacks the enemy with the least health. The wisp deals 6 000 damage per second and lasts for 18 sec. After the 5 wisp is summoned, each wisp summoned by the unit onto the battlefield will deal 7 000 (+Spell Power Bonus) damage to the enemy with the greatest health and then expire.
Once in a while, summons a wisp of life that attacks the enemy with the least health. The wisp deals 9 750 damage per second and lasts for 18 sec. After the 5 wisp is summoned, each wisp summoned by the unit onto the battlefield will deal {9 100 – 13 600} (+Spell Power Bonus) damage to the enemy with the greatest health and then expire.
Rune of Wisdom
Once in a while, summons a wisp of life that attacks the enemy with the least health. The wisp deals XXX1 damage per second and lasts for XXX2 sec. After the XXX3 wisp is summoned, each wisp summoned by the unit onto the battlefield will deal XXX4 (+Spell Power Bonus) damage to the enemy with the greatest health, stun them for XXX5 sec, and then expire.
Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
Activation : 3 sec
Cooldown : 16 sec
Elven Archer Bow
Level 29-30
- Damage : 822 – 830
- Crit : 369 – 541
The archer’s attacks are transformed and deal magic damage instead of physical damage. Attacks have a 60 % chance of stunning the target for 2 sec and reducing its attack speed by 150 % for 4 sec.
Level 39-40
- Damage : 1 557 – 1 572
- Crit : 671 – 844
The archer’s attacks are transformed and deal magic damage instead of physical damage. Attacks have a 60 % chance of stunning the target for 2 sec and reducing its attack speed by 150 % for 4 sec.
Level 53-55
- Damage : 2 058 – 2 079
- Crit : 867 – 1 090
The archer’s attacks are transformed and deal magic damage instead of physical damage. Attacks have a 60 % chance of stunning the target for 2,5 sec and reducing its attack speed by 150 % for 4 sec.
Level 67-70
- Damage : 2 722 – 2 749
- Crit : 1 062 – 1 336
The archer’s attacks are transformed and deal magic damage instead of physical damage. Attacks have a 60 % chance of stunning the target for 2,5 sec and reducing its attack speed by 150 % for 4 sec.
Level 82-85
- Damage : 3 599 – 3 636
- Crit : 1 257 – 1 582
The archer’s attacks are transformed and deal magic damage instead of physical damage. Attacks have a 60 % chance of stunning the target for 3 sec and reducing its attack speed by 150 % for 4 sec.
Level 98-100
- Damage : 4 760 – 4 807
- Crit : 1 453 – 1 827
The archer’s attacks are transformed and deal magic damage instead of physical damage. Attacks have a 60 % chance of stunning the target for 3 sec and reducing its attack speed by 150 % for 4 sec.
The archer’s attacks are transformed and deal magic damage instead of physical damage. Attacks have a 60 % chance of stunning the target for 3,5 sec and reducing its attack speed by 170 % for 4 sec.
Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
Activation : / sec
Cooldown : / sec
Elven Warrior Plate Mail
Level 29-30
- Health : 22 214 – 23 326
- Armor : 2 042 – 2 145
- Magic Armor : 541 – 569
After taking 17 600 damage, enhances the unit.
The unit’s magic armor and physical armor are increased by 706, and the unit’s max health is increased by 10 %. Stacks up to 5 times. Each enhancement lasts for 20 sec.
If 5 or more enhancements stack up at a time, then all enhancements are lost when the unit is killed, and the unit is then resurrected with 14 100 health.
Level 39-40
- Health : 41 434 – 43 506
- Armor : 2 935 – 3 082
- Magic Armor : 844 – 887
After taking 25 200 damage, enhances the unit.
The unit’s magic armor and physical armor are increased by 1 008, and the unit’s max health is increased by 10 %. Stacks up to 5 times. Each enhancement lasts for 20 sec.
If 5 or more enhancements stack up at a time, then all enhancements are lost when the unit is killed, and the unit is then resurrected with 20 200 health.
Level 53-55
- Health : 54 797 – 57 538
- Armor : 3 789 – 3 979
- Magic Armor : 1 090 – 1 145
After taking 36 000 damage, enhances the unit.
The unit’s magic armor and physical armor are increased by 1 440, and the unit’s max health is increased by 10 %. Stacks up to 5 times. Each enhancement lasts for 20 sec.
If 5 or more enhancements stack up at a time, then all enhancements are lost when the unit is killed, and the unit is then resurrected with 28 800 health.
Level 67-70
- Health : 72 468 – 76 092
- Armor : 4 644 – 4 877
- Magic Armor : 1 336 – 1 403
After taking 48 000 damage, enhances the unit.
The unit’s magic armor and physical armor are increased by 1 920, and the unit’s max health is increased by 10 %. Stacks up to 5 times. Each enhancement lasts for 20 sec.
If 5 or more enhancements stack up at a time, then all enhancements are lost when the unit is killed, and the unit is then resurrected with 38 400 health.
Level 82-85
- Health : 95 838 – 100 631
- Armor : 5 499 – 5 774
- Magic Armor : 1 582 – 1 662
After taking 60 000 damage, enhances the unit.
The unit’s magic armor and physical armor are increased by 2 400, and the unit’s max health is increased by 10 %. Stacks up to 5 times. Each enhancement lasts for 20 sec.
If 5 or more enhancements stack up at a time, then all enhancements are lost when the unit is killed, and the unit is then resurrected with 48 000 health.
Level 98-100
- Health : 126 746 – 133 084
- Armor : 6 354 – 6 672
- Magic Armor : 1 827 – 1 919
After taking 75 000 damage, enhances the unit.
The unit’s magic armor and physical armor are increased by 3 000, and the unit’s max health is increased by 10 %. Stacks up to 5 times. Each enhancement lasts for 20 sec.
If 5 or more enhancements stack up at a time, then all enhancements are lost when the unit is killed, and the unit is then resurrected with 60 000 health.
After taking 97 500 damage, enhances the unit.
The unit’s magic armor and physical armor are increased by {3 900 – 7 500}, and the unit’s max health is increased by 15 %. Stacks up to 5 times. Each enhancement lasts for 20 sec.
If 5 or more enhancements stack up at a time, then all enhancements are lost when the unit is killed, and the unit is then resurrected with {78 000 – 150 000} health.
Rune of Tenacity
After taking XXX1 damage, enhances the unit.
The unit’s magic armor and physical armor are increased by XXX2, and the unit’s max health is increased by XXX3 %. In addition, increases crit and dodge by XXX4. Stacks up to XXX5 times. Each enhancement lasts for XXX6 sec.
If XXX7 or more enhancements stack up at a time, then all enhancements are lost when the unit is killed, and the unit is then resurrected with XXX8 health.
Tier Little Throne : A
Tier Throne 11 : A
Activation : / sec
Cooldown : / sec
Elven Mage Outfit
Level 29-30
- Health : 9 469 – 9 944
- Spell Power : 3 900 – 4 096
Reduces the efficiency of enemy resurrection by 4 700 health and increases the efficiency of ally resurrection by 4 700 health. Lasts until the armor wearer is killed.
Level 39-40
- Health : 17 673 – 18 558
- Spell Power : 7 279 – 7 644
Reduces the efficiency of enemy resurrection by 6 700 health and increases the efficiency of ally resurrection by 6 700 health. Lasts until the armor wearer is killed.
Level 53-55
- Health : 23 371 – 24 540
- Spell Power : 9 625 – 10 107
Reduces the efficiency of enemy resurrection by 9 600 health and increases the efficiency of ally resurrection by 9 600 health. Lasts until the armor wearer is killed.
Level 67-70
- Health : 30 909 – 32 455
- Spell Power : 12 728 – 13 365
Reduces the efficiency of enemy resurrection by 12 800 health and increases the efficiency of ally resurrection by 12 800 health. Lasts until the armor wearer is killed.
Level 82-85
- Health : 40 877 – 42 921
- Spell Power : 16 832 – 17 675
Reduces the efficiency of enemy resurrection by 16 000 health and increases the efficiency of ally resurrection by 16 000 health. Lasts until the armor wearer is killed.
Level 98-100
- Health : 54 060 – 56 764
- Spell Power : 22 264 – 23 378
Reduces the efficiency of enemy resurrection by 20 000 health and increases the efficiency of ally resurrection by 20 000 health. Lasts until the armor wearer is killed.
Reduces the efficiency of enemy resurrection by {26 000 – 50 000} health and increases the efficiency of ally resurrection by {26 000 – 50 000} health. Lasts until the armor wearer is killed.
Rune of Magic
Reduces the efficiency of enemy resurrection by XXX1 health and increases the efficency of ally resurrection by XXX2 health. In addition, the resurrected enemies’ first attack deals XXX3 % less damage, and the resurrected allies’ first attack deals XXX4 % more damage. Lasts until the armor wearer is killed.
Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
Activation : / sec
Cooldown : / sec
Elven Archer Gear
Level 29-30
- Health : 11 107 – 11 663
- Damage : 1 124 – 1 190
Once in a while, weakens all enemy mages, reducing their spell power by 7 % per each live enemy mage for 5 sec. When the effect wears off, deals 3 500 damage par each live enemy mage to all weakened mages.
Level 39-40
- Health : 20 718 – 21 755
- Damage : 2 115 – 2 240
Once in a while, weakens all enemy mages, reducing their spell power by 7 % per each live enemy mage for 5 sec. When the effect wears off, deals 5 000 damage par each live enemy mage to all weakened mages.
Level 53-55
- Health : 27 398 – 28 768
- Damage : 2 797 – 2 962
Once in a while, weakens all enemy mages, reducing their spell power by 7 % per each live enemy mage for 5 sec. When the effect wears off, deals 7 200 damage par each live enemy mage to all weakened mages.
Level 67-70
- Health : 36 234 – 38 046
- Damage : 3 699 – 3 918
Once in a while, weakens all enemy mages, reducing their spell power by 7 % per each live enemy mage for 5 sec. When the effect wears off, deals 9 600 damage par each live enemy mage to all weakened mages.
Level 82-85
- Health : 47 919 – 50 316
- Damage : 4 892 – 5 181
Once in a while, weakens all enemy mages, reducing their spell power by 7 % per each live enemy mage for 5 sec. When the effect wears off, deals 12 000 damage par each live enemy mage to all weakened mages.
Level 98-100
- Health : 63 374 – 66 543
- Damage : 6 469 – 6 850
Once in a while, weakens all enemy mages, reducing their spell power by 7 % per each live enemy mage for 5 sec. When the effect wears off, deals 15 000 damage par each live enemy mage to all weakened mages.
Once in a while, weakens all enemy mages, reducing their spell power by 9 % per each live enemy mage for 5 sec. When the effect wears off, deals {19 500 – 37 500} damage par each live enemy mage to all weakened mages.
Rune of Rage
Once in a while, weakens all enemy mages, reducing their spell power by XXX1 % per each live enemy mage for XXX2 sec. When the effect wears off, deals XXX3 damage per each live enemy mage to all weakened mages and casts fear on all weakened mages for XXX4 sec.
Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : C
Activation : 6 sec
Cooldown : 11 sec
Ring of Piety
Level 29-30
- Damage : 267 – 351
- Health : 3 525 – 4 626
When an enemy is killed, the ring wearer restores 8 200 health in self over 2,1 sec. When this ability triggers, there is a 50 % chance of restoring 2 400 health in a random ally whose health is not at its max over 2,1 sec. Triggers once in a 5 sec or even more seldom.
Level 39-40
- Damage : 455 – 607
- Health : 6 009 – 8 010
When an enemy is killed, the ring wearer restores 11 760 health in self over 2,1 sec. When this ability triggers, there is a 50 % chance of restoring 3 400 health in a random ally whose health is not at its max over 2,1 sec. Triggers once in a 5 sec or even more seldom.
Level 53-55
- Damage : 602 – 803
- Health : 7 944 – 10 593
When an enemy is killed, the ring wearer restores 16 800 health in self over 2,1 sec. When this ability triggers, there is a 50 % chance of restoring 4 800 health in a random ally whose health is not at its max over 2,1 sec. Triggers once in a 5 sec or even more seldom.
Level 67-70
- Damage : 796 – 1 062
- Health : 10 507 – 14 009
When an enemy is killed, the ring wearer restores 22 400 health in self over 2,1 sec. When this ability triggers, there is a 50 % chance of restoring 6 400 health in a random ally whose health is not at its max over 2,1 sec. Triggers once in a 5 sec or even more seldom.
Level 82-85
- Damage : 1 053 – 1 404
- Health : 13 896 – 18 527
When an enemy is killed, the ring wearer restores 28 000 health in self over 2,1 sec. When this ability triggers, there is a 50 % chance of restoring 8 000 health in a random ally whose health is not at its max over 2,1 sec. Triggers once in a 5 sec or even more seldom.
Level 98-100
- Damage : 1 393 – 1 857
- Health : 18 377 – 24 502
When an enemy is killed, the ring wearer restores 35 000 health in self over 2,1 sec. When this ability triggers, there is a 50 % chance of restoring 10 000 health in a random ally whose health is not at its max over 2,1 sec. Triggers once in a 5 sec or even more seldom.
When an enemy is killed, the ring wearer restores {45 500 – 87 500} health in self over 2,1 sec. When this ability triggers, there is a 50 % chance of restoring {13 000 – 25 000} health in a random ally whose health is not at its max over 2,1 sec. Triggers once in a 5 sec or even more seldom.
Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
Activation : 2 sec
Cooldown : 5 sec
Amulet of Piety
Level 29-30
- Armor : 664 – 928
- Health : 3 204 – 4 205
When the amulet wearer is killed, heals 2 allies with the least health. The amount of health restored equals 30 % of the amulet wearer’s max health.
Level 39-40
- Armor : 763 – 1 082
- Health : 5 461 – 7 281
When the amulet wearer is killed, heals 2 allies with the least health. The amount of health restored equals 30 % of the amulet wearer’s max health.
Level 53-55
- Armor : 986 – 1 397
- Health : 7 222 – 9 630
When the amulet wearer is killed, heals 2 allies with the least health. The amount of health restored equals 30 % of the amulet wearer’s max health.
Level 67-70
- Armor : 1 209 – 1 712
- Health : 9 551 – 12 734
When the amulet wearer is killed, heals 2 allies with the least health. The amount of health restored equals 30 % of the amulet wearer’s max health.
Level 82-85
- Armor : 1 430 – 2 027
- Health : 12 632 – 16 842
When the amulet wearer is killed, heals 2 allies with the least health. The amount of health restored equals 30 % of the amulet wearer’s max health.
Level 98-100
- Armor : 1 653 – 2 342
- Health : 16 706 – 22 274
When the amulet wearer is killed, heals 2 allies with the least health. The amount of health restored equals 30 % of the amulet wearer’s max health.
When the amulet wearer is killed, heals 2 allies with the least health. The amount of health restored equals 35 % of the amulet wearer’s max health.
Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
Activation : / sec
Cooldown : / sec
Force Field
Level 25-35
Activation : Once in a while, when own health is critical.
Casts a force field on the unit that makes them immune to damage and healing, thus preventing the unit from getting killed in a dangerous situation. The field lasts for 2,2 sec and then explodes, dealing 15 300 damage to all enemies within a large radius around itself.
Level 35-45
Activation : Once in a while, when own health is critical.
Casts a force field on the unit that makes them immune to damage and healing, thus preventing the unit from getting killed in a dangerous situation. The field lasts for 2,2 sec and then explodes, dealing 21 800 damage to all enemies within a large radius around itself.
Level 45-60
Activation : Once in a while, when own health is critical.
Casts a force field on the unit that makes them immune to damage and healing, thus preventing the unit from getting killed in a dangerous situation. The field lasts for 2,2 sec and then explodes, dealing 31 200 damage to all enemies within a large radius around itself.
Level 60-75
Activation : Once in a while, when own health is critical.
Casts a force field on the unit that makes them immune to damage and healing, thus preventing the unit from getting killed in a dangerous situation. The field lasts for 2,2 sec and then explodes, dealing 41 600 damage to all enemies within a large radius around itself.
Level 75-90
Activation : Once in a while, when own health is critical.
Casts a force field on the unit that makes them immune to damage and healing, thus preventing the unit from getting killed in a dangerous situation. The field lasts for 2,2 sec and then explodes, dealing 52 000 damage to all enemies within a large radius around itself.
Level 90-100
Activation : Once in a while, when own health is critical.
Casts a force field on the unit that makes them immune to damage and healing, thus preventing the unit from getting killed in a dangerous situation. The field lasts for 2,2 sec and then explodes, dealing 65 000 damage to all enemies within a large radius around itself.
Rune of Transformation
Activation : Once in a while, when own health is critical.
Casts a force field on the unit that makes them immune to damage, thus preventing the unit from getting killed in a dangerous situation. While in the field, the unit can be healed, but the healing rate is reduced by XXX1. The field lasts for XXX2 sec and then explodes, dealing XXX3 damage to all enemies within a large radius around itself.
Tier Little Throne : B
Tier Throne 11 : D
1st Activation : 33 % health – 4 sec
Cooldown : 33 % health – 14 sec: 33 % health – 8 sec
Elven Writing Grimoire
Level 98-100
- Magic Damage : 2 452 – 2 515
- Spell Power : 2 863 – 3 149
- Crit : 1 873 – 2 060
Once in a while, curses 3 enemies for 6 sec. The cursed enemies deal 5 500 (+Spell Power Bonus) less damage (at least 1) and take 10 % more damage.
Once in a while, curses 3 enemies for 6 sec. The cursed enemies deal {7 150 – 13 750} (+Spell Power Bonus) less damage (at least 1) and take 12 % more damage.
Rune of Wisdom
Once in a while, curses XXX1 enemies for XXX2 sec. The cursed enemies deal XXX3 (+Spell Power Bonus) less dmaage (at least 1) and take XXX4 % more damage. The cursed enemies take an extra XXX5 damage after the curse wears off.
Tier Throne 10 : C
Tier Throne 11 : B
1st Activation : 6 sec
Cooldown : 12 sec