Treasure Pirate

Here’s information on the index items for the Pirate event!
List of items for this event, press the red “+” to unlock the item information. The video is displayed below the item, along with its tierlist, activation and cooldown, if any.

Pirate King Daggers

Level 29-30

  • Damage : 1 402 – 1 569
  • Crit : 541 – 569

Once in a while, performs a sly trick by throwing sand at enemies positionned within a short range around self. The affected enemies are stunned for 1 sec. The dual dagger wielder’s next attack will deal 75 % more damage.

Level 39-40

  • Damage : 2 753 – 2 996
  • Crit : 844 – 887

Once in a while, performs a sly trick by throwing sand at enemies positionned within a short range around self. The affected enemies are stunned for 1 sec. The dual dagger wielder’s next attack will deal 75 % more damage.

Level 53-55

  • Damage : 3 638 – 3 960
  • Crit : 1 090 – 1 145

Once in a while, performs a sly trick by throwing sand at enemies positionned within a short range around self. The affected enemies are stunned for 1 sec. The dual dagger wielder’s next attack will deal 75 % more damage.

Level 67-70

  • Damage : 4 971 – 5 077
  • Crit : 1 336 – 1 403

Once in a while, performs a sly trick by throwing sand at enemies positionned within a short range around self. The affected enemies are stunned for 1 sec. The dual dagger wielder’s next attack will deal 75 % more damage.

Level 82-85

  • Damage : 6 574 – 6 714
  • Crit : 1 582 – 1 662

Once in a while, performs a sly trick by throwing sand at enemies positionned within a short range around self. The affected enemies are stunned for 1 sec. The dual dagger wielder’s next attack will deal 75 % more damage.

Level 98-100

  • Damage : 8 694 – 8 879
  • Crit : 1 827 – 1 919

Once in a while, performs a sly trick by throwing sand at enemies positionned within a short range around self. The affected enemies are stunned for 1 sec. The dual dagger wielder’s next attack will deal 75 % more damage.


Once in a while, performs a sly trick by throwing sand at enemies positionned within a short range around self. The affected enemies are stunned for 1 sec. The dual dagger wielder’s next attack will deal 80 % more damage.

Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
Activation : 5 sec
Cooldown : 5 sec


Underwater Oracle Wand

Level 29-30

  • Magic Damage : 663 – 671
  • Spell Power : 501 – 526

Once in a while, restores 2 400 (+Spell Power Bonus) health in an ally and inspires the ally that deals the greatest damage, enhancing their damage by 125 % for 3 sec.

Level 39-40

  • Magic Damage : 1 234 – 1 249
  • Spell Power : 936 – 983

Once in a while, restores 3 400 (+Spell Power Bonus) health in an ally and inspires the ally that deals the greatest damage, enhancing their damage by 125 % for 3 sec.

Level 53-55

  • Magic Damage : 1 632 – 1 652
  • Spell Power : 1 238 – 1 300

Once in a while, restores 4 800 (+Spell Power Bonus) health in an ally and inspires the ally that deals the greatest damage, enhancing their damage by 125 % for 3 sec.

Level 67-70

  • Magic Damage : 2 158 – 2 185
  • Spell Power : 1 637 – 1 719

Once in a while, restores 6 400 (+Spell Power Bonus) health in an ally and inspires the ally that deals the greatest damage, enhancing their damage by 125 % for 3 sec.

Level 82-85

  • Magic Damage : 2 854 – 2 890
  • Spell Power : 2 164 – 2 272

Once in a while, restores 8 000 (+Spell Power Bonus) health in an ally and inspires the ally that deals the greatest damage, enhancing their damage by 125 % for 3 sec.

Level 98-100

  • Magic Damage : 3 774 – 3 821
  • Spell Power : 2 863 – 3 006

Once in a while, restores 10 000 (+Spell Power Bonus) health in an ally and inspires the ally that deals the greatest damage, enhancing their damage by 125 % for 3 sec.


Once in a while, restores {13 000 – 25 000} (+Spell Power Bonus) health in an ally and inspires the ally that deals the greatest damage, enhancing their damage by 135 % for 3 sec.

:Rune_of_Wisdom: Rune of Wisdom

Once in a while, restores XXX1 (+Spell Power Bonus) health in an ally that deals the greatest damage, enhancing their damage by XXX2 % for XXX3 sec. Also, the inspired ally’s XXX4 attacks will be critical and unable to miss the target.

Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : Boss Clan
Activation : 5 sec
Cooldown : 8 sec


Seadog Crossbow

Level 29-30

  • Damage : 4 353 – 4 354
  • Crit : 541 – 569

Once in a while, throws a boarding smoke bomb that makes enemy mages and archers randomly switch the targets of each of their attacks for 4 sec.

Level 39-40

  • Damage : 5 210 – 5 212
  • Crit : 844 – 887

Once in a while, throws a boarding smoke bomb that makes enemy mages and archers randomly switch the targets of each of their attacks for 4 sec.

Level 53-55

  • Damage : 6 191 – 6 194
  • Crit : 1 090 – 1 145

Once in a while, throws a boarding smoke bomb that makes enemy mages and archers randomly switch the targets of each of their attacks for 4 sec.

Level 67-70

  • Damage : 7 280 – 7 285
  • Crit : 1 336 – 1 403

Once in a while, throws a boarding smoke bomb that makes enemy mages and archers randomly switch the targets of each of their attacks for 4 sec.

Level 82-85

  • Damage : 8 617 – 8 622
  • Crit : 1 582 – 1 662

Once in a while, throws a boarding smoke bomb that makes enemy mages and archers randomly switch the targets of each of their attacks for 4 sec.

Level 98-100

  • Damage : 10 208 – 10 214
  • Crit : 1 827 – 1 919

Once in a while, throws a boarding smoke bomb that makes enemy mages and archers randomly switch the targets of each of their attacks for 4 sec.


Once in a while, throws a boarding smoke bomb that makes enemy mages and archers randomly switch the targets of each of their attacks for 5 sec.

Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
Activation : 6 sec
Cooldown : 6 sec


Pirate King Plate Mail

Level 29-30

  • Health : 22 214 – 23 326
  • Armor : 2 042 – 2 145
  • Magic Armor : 541 – 569

Once in a while when taking damage, sets a pirate flag nearby. The flag attracts the attention of enemies within a long range around itself. Enemies start attacking it for 2 sec. Then, the flag explodes, dealing 2 400 damage within a short range around itself.

Level 39-40

  • Health : 41 434 – 43 506
  • Armor : 2 935 – 3 082
  • Magic Armor : 844 – 887

Once in a while when taking damage, sets a pirate flag nearby. The flag attracts the attention of enemies within a long range around itself. Enemies start attacking it for 2 sec. Then, the flag explodes, dealing 3 400 damage within a short range around itself.

Level 53-55

  • Health : 54 797 – 57 538
  • Armor : 3 789 – 3 979
  • Magic Armor : 1 090 – 1 145

Once in a while when taking damage, sets a pirate flag nearby. The flag attracts the attention of enemies within a long range around itself. Enemies start attacking it for 2 sec. Then, the flag explodes, dealing 4 800 damage within a short range around itself.

Level 67-70

  • Health : 72 468 – 76 092
  • Armor : 4 644 – 4 877
  • Magic Armor : 1 336 – 1 403

Once in a while when taking damage, sets a pirate flag nearby. The flag attracts the attention of enemies within a long range around itself. Enemies start attacking it for 2 sec. Then, the flag explodes, dealing 6 400 damage within a short range around itself.

Level 82-85

  • Health : 95 838 – 100 631
  • Armor : 5 499 – 5 774
  • Magic Armor : 1 582 – 1 662

Once in a while when taking damage, sets a pirate flag nearby. The flag attracts the attention of enemies within a long range around itself. Enemies start attacking it for 2 sec. Then, the flag explodes, dealing 8 000 damage within a short range around itself.

Level 98-100

  • Health : 126 746 – 133 084
  • Armor : 6 354 – 6 672
  • Magic Armor : 1 827 – 1 919

Once in a while when taking damage, sets a pirate flag nearby. The flag attracts the attention of enemies within a long range around itself. Enemies start attacking it for 2 sec. Then, the flag explodes, dealing 10 000 damage within a short range around itself.


Once in a while when taking damage, sets a pirate flag nearby. The flag attracts the attention of enemies within a long range around itself. Enemies start attacking it for 2 sec. Then, the flag explodes, dealing {13 000 – 25 000} damage within a short range around itself.

:Rune_of_Tenacity: Rune of Tenacity

Once in a while when taking damage, sets a pirate flag nearby. The flag attracts the attention of enemies within a long range around itself. They start attacking it for XXX1 sec. Then, the flag explodes, dealing XXX2 damage and stunning all enemies within a short range around itself for XXX3 sec.

Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
Activation : 5 sec
Cooldown : 12 sec


Underwater Oracle Outfit

Level 29-30

  • Health : 9 469 – 9 944
  • Spell Power : 3 900 – 4 096

Once in a while, connects own health to a random enemy. While that connection is active, 100 % of the damage done to the armor wearer will also be inflicted on the enemy connected. If the enemy is killed while the connection is active, the armor wearer and 3 of their allies restore 6 600 health.

Level 39-40

  • Health : 17 673 – 18 558
  • Spell Power : 7 279 – 7 644

Once in a while, connects own health to a random enemy. While that connection is active, 100 % of the damage done to the armor wearer will also be inflicted on the enemy connected. If the enemy is killed while the connection is active, the armor wearer and 3 of their allies restore 9 400 health.

Level 53-55

  • Health : 23 371 – 24 540
  • Spell Power : 9 625 – 10 107

Once in a while, connects own health to a random enemy. While that connection is active, 100 % of the damage done to the armor wearer will also be inflicted on the enemy connected. If the enemy is killed while the connection is active, the armor wearer and 3 of their allies restore 13 400 health.

Level 67-70

  • Health : 30 909 – 32 455
  • Spell Power : 12 728 – 13 365

Once in a while, connects own health to a random enemy. While that connection is active, 100 % of the damage done to the armor wearer will also be inflicted on the enemy connected. If the enemy is killed while the connection is active, the armor wearer and 3 of their allies restore 17 900 health.

Level 82-85

  • Health : 40 877 – 42 921
  • Spell Power : 16 832 – 17 675

Once in a while, connects own health to a random enemy. While that connection is active, 100 % of the damage done to the armor wearer will also be inflicted on the enemy connected. If the enemy is killed while the connection is active, the armor wearer and 3 of their allies restore 22 400 health.

Level 98-100

  • Health : 54 060 – 56 764
  • Spell Power : 22 264 – 23 378

Once in a while, connects own health to a random enemy. While that connection is active, 100 % of the damage done to the armor wearer will also be inflicted on the enemy connected. If the enemy is killed while the connection is active, the armor wearer and 3 of their allies restore 28 000 health.


Once in a while, connects own health to a random enemy. While that connection is active, 100 % of the damage done to the armor wearer will also be inflicted on the enemy connected. If the enemy is killed while the connection is active, the armor wearer and 3 of their allies restore {36 400 – 70 000} health.

:Rune_of_Magic: Rune of Magic

Once in a while, connects own health to two random enemies. While the connection is active, each enemy connected will take XXX1 % of the damage done to the armor wearer. If the enemies are killed while the connection is active, the armor wearer and XXX2 of their allies restores XXX3 health per enemy connected.

Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
Activation : 4 sec
Cooldown : 7 sec


Seadog Gear

Level 29-30

  • Health : 11 107 – 11 663
  • Damage : 1 124 – 1 190

Attacks have a 50 % chance of cursing the target for 4 sec. The cursed enemy loses their balance and is unable to deal critical damage or attacks, and their armor is reduced by 30 %.

Level 39-40

  • Health : 20 718 – 21 755
  • Damage : 2 115 – 2 240

Attacks have a 50 % chance of cursing the target for 4 sec. The cursed enemy loses their balance and is unable to deal critical damage or attacks, and their armor is reduced by 30 %.

Level 53-55

  • Health : 27 398 – 28 768
  • Damage : 2 797 – 2 962

Attacks have a 50 % chance of cursing the target for 4 sec. The cursed enemy loses their balance and is unable to deal critical damage or attacks, and their armor is reduced by 30 %.

Level 67-70

  • Health : 36 234 – 38 046
  • Damage : 3 699 – 3 918

Attacks have a 50 % chance of cursing the target for 4 sec. The cursed enemy loses their balance and is unable to deal critical damage or attacks, and their armor is reduced by 30 %.

Level 82-85

  • Health : 47 919 – 50 316
  • Damage : 4 892 – 5 181

Attacks have a 50 % chance of cursing the target for 4 sec. The cursed enemy loses their balance and is unable to deal critical damage or attacks, and their armor is reduced by 30 %.

Level 98-100

  • Health : 63 374 – 66 543
  • Damage : 6 469 – 6 850

Attacks have a 50 % chance of cursing the target for 4 sec. The cursed enemy loses their balance and is unable to deal critical damage or attacks, and their armor is reduced by 30 %.


Attacks have a 50 % chance of cursing the target for 4 sec. The cursed enemy loses their balance and is unable to deal critical damage or attacks, and their armor is reduced by 40 %.

:Rune_of_Rage: Rune of Rage

Attacks have a XXX1 % chance of cursing the target for XXX2 sec. The cursed enemy loses their balance and is unable to deal critical damage or dodge attacks, and their armor is reduced by XXX3 %. If the enemy is healed while they are cursed, the healer will take damage equal to XXX4 % of the healing.

Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
Activation : / sec
Cooldown : / sec


Treasure Hunter’s Ring

Level 29-30

  • Crit : 664 – 927
  • Dodge : 664 – 927

Once in a while, creates a shield around self for 2 sec. The shield’s durability equals 50 % of own max health.

Level 39-40

  • Crit : 763 – 1 082
  • Dodge : 763 – 1 082

Once in a while, creates a shield around self for 2 sec. The shield’s durability equals 50 % of own max health.

Level 53-55

  • Crit : 986 – 1 397
  • Dodge : 986 – 1 397

Once in a while, creates a shield around self for 2 sec. The shield’s durability equals 50 % of own max health.

Level 67-70

  • Crit : 1 209 – 1 712
  • Dodge : 1 209 – 1 712

Once in a while, creates a shield around self for 2 sec. The shield’s durability equals 50 % of own max health.

Level 82-85

  • Crit : 1 430 – 2 027
  • Dodge : 1 430 – 2 027

Once in a while, creates a shield around self for 2 sec. The shield’s durability equals 50 % of own max health.

Level 98-100

  • Crit : 1 653 – 2 342
  • Dodge : 1 653 – 2 342

Once in a while, creates a shield around self for 2 sec. The shield’s durability equals 50 % of own max health.


Once in a while, creates a shield around self for 2 sec. The shield’s durability equals 60 % of own max health.

Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : B
Activation : 4 sec
Cooldown : 4 sec


Javie Dons’s Amulet

Level 29-30

  • Armor : 664 – 927
  • Magic Armor : 664 – 927
  • Health : 3 204 – 4 205

On death, summons a decoy chest next to the enemy of the same class as the amulet wearer (or, if there is none, next to a random enemy). The chest forces the enemies within a short range to attack it for 2 sec.

Level 39-40

  • Armor : 763 – 1 082
  • Magic Armor : 763 – 1 082
  • Health : 5 461 – 7 281

On death, summons a decoy chest next to the enemy of the same class as the amulet wearer (or, if there is none, next to a random enemy). The chest forces the enemies within a short range to attack it for 2 sec.

Level 53-55

  • Armor : 986 – 1 397
  • Magic Armor : 986 – 1 397
  • Health : 7 222 – 9 630

On death, summons a decoy chest next to the enemy of the same class as the amulet wearer (or, if there is none, next to a random enemy). The chest forces the enemies within a short range to attack it for 2 sec.

Level 67-70

  • Armor : 1 209 – 1 712
  • Magic Armor : 1 209 – 1 712
  • Health : 9 551 – 12 734

On death, summons a decoy chest next to the enemy of the same class as the amulet wearer (or, if there is none, next to a random enemy). The chest forces the enemies within a short range to attack it for 2 sec.

Level 82-85

  • Armor : 1 430 – 2 027
  • Magic Armor : 1 430 – 2 027
  • Health : 12 632 – 16 842

On death, summons a decoy chest next to the enemy of the same class as the amulet wearer (or, if there is none, next to a random enemy). The chest forces the enemies within a short range to attack it for 2 sec.

Level 98-100

  • Armor : 1 653 – 2 342
  • Magic Armor : 1 653 – 2 342
  • Health : 16 706 – 22 274

On death, summons a decoy chest next to the enemy of the same class as the amulet wearer (or, if there is none, next to a random enemy). The chest forces the enemies within a short range to attack it for 2 sec.


On death, summons a decoy chest next to the enemy of the same class as the amulet wearer (or, if there is none, next to a random enemy). The chest forces the enemies within a short range to attack it for 2 sec.

Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
Activation : / sec
Cooldown : / sec


Gunpowder Barrel

Level 25-35

Activation : Once in a while, when the battle is start.

Plants an explosive barrel. The barrel will explode when the total damage done by the enemies reaches 50 % of the allies’ total health. By exploding, it will deal 3 500 damage to all enemies and will increase cooldown times of all their abilities by 1 sec. Afterwards, the barrel will explode once in a while, dealing 2 800 damage to all enemies and silencing them for 1 sec.

Level 35-45

Activation : Once in a while, when the battle is start.

Plants an explosive barrel. The barrel will explode when the total damage done by the enemies reaches 50 % of the allies’ total health. By exploding, it will deal 5 000 damage to all enemies and will increase cooldown times of all their abilities by 1 sec. Afterwards, the barrel will explode once in a while, dealing 4 000 damage to all enemies and silencing them for 1 sec.

Level 45-60

Activation : Once in a while, when the battle is start.

Plants an explosive barrel. The barrel will explode when the total damage done by the enemies reaches 50 % of the allies’ total health. By exploding, it will deal 7 200 damage to all enemies and will increase cooldown times of all their abilities by 1 sec. Afterwards, the barrel will explode once in a while, dealing 5 800 damage to all enemies and silencing them for 1 sec.

Level 60-75

Activation : Once in a while, when the battle is start.

Plants an explosive barrel. The barrel will explode when the total damage done by the enemies reaches 50 % of the allies’ total health. By exploding, it will deal 9 600 damage to all enemies and will increase cooldown times of all their abilities by 1 sec. Afterwards, the barrel will explode once in a while, dealing 7 700 damage to all enemies and silencing them for 1 sec.

Level 75-90

Activation : Once in a while, when the battle is start.

Plants an explosive barrel. The barrel will explode when the total damage done by the enemies reaches 50 % of the allies’ total health. By exploding, it will deal 12 000 damage to all enemies and will increase cooldown times of all their abilities by 1 sec. Afterwards, the barrel will explode once in a while, dealing 9 600 damage to all enemies and silencing them for 1 sec.

Level 90-100

Activation : Once in a while, when the battle is start.

Plants an explosive barrel. The barrel will explode when the total damage done by the enemies reaches 50 % of the allies’ total health. By exploding, it will deal 15 000 damage to all enemies and will increase cooldown times of all their abilities by 1 sec. Afterwards, the barrel will explode once in a while, dealing 12 000 damage to all enemies and silencing them for 1 sec.

:Rune_of_Transformation: Rune of Transformation

Activation : Once in a while, when the battle is start.

Plants an explosive barrel. The barrel will explode when the total damage done by the enemies reaches XXX1 % of the allies’ total health. By exploding, it will deal XXX2 damage to all enemies and increase cooldown times of all their abilities by XXX3 sec ; the next ability of the allies’ weapons will cool down XXX4 sec faster. Afterwards, the barrel will explode once in a while, dealing XXX5 damage to all enemies and silencing them for XXX6 sec.

Tier Little Throne : D
Tier Throne 11 : D
1st Activation : 2 sec
Cooldown : 9 sec
:Rune_of_Speed:: 7 sec


Captain Hook Spear

Level 98-100

  • Damage : 9 944 – 10 209
  • Crit : 1827 – 1919

Boosts the base speed of spear attacks. Attacks have a 25 % chance of dealing damage to all enemies within a short range around the target. A random number of the affected enemies will take an extra 50 % damage and have their healing rate reduced by 50 % for 5 sec.


Boosts the base speed of spear attacks. Attacks have a 28 % chance of dealing damage to all enemies within a short range around the target. A random number of the affected enemies will take an extra 60 % damage and have their healing rate reduced by 60 % for 5 sec.

Tier Throne 10 : B
Tier Throne 11 : A
1st Activation : / sec
Cooldown : / sec


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