The Festival event starts at Throne Level 5. The event lasts for an entire trimester of the season in question. Depending on the season, the season’s background changes.

To access the event, click on the calendar in the top right-hand corner, then click on “… Festival” depending on the season.

The event looks like this :

All awards
To claim all the Festival prizes, you need to give a specified number of tickets. We show you the pass prices :

Obviously, the prizes depend on the throne, so here’s a preview of the rewards at throne 11.
Trips in this event unlock the rewards you see in all the prizes. To unlock the next zone, you need to unlock 9 out of 11 rewards, and to unlock the zone reward, you need to unlock all of the rewards below :

To collect lots of tickets, you need to take part in mini-events, or during an event that includes tickets. Here’s a quick summary of how to collect them:

The item or prize can be upgraded if you don’t unlock the prize with the tickets, at the time the purchase was made then the prize is the one shown. For example, TR6 you buy Archer armor, if you are TR11 two months later, the reward will be TR6 and not TR11, it could be TR11 if you keep the tickets and buy it at the relevant throne.
List of zones to give you an idea of the rewards :

The game offers a store with a pass and tickets for sale (our team does not recommend buying tickets) :

Trade Fair
The Trade Fair is unlocked when you unlock the first 5 areas of the Journey. You need the pass if you want the armor.

If you take the pass, you can get -50% off the prices shown in the store! If you don’t have a pass, you’ll pay the normal price.

To unlock rewards more quickly and if you have a lot of tickets, we recommend storing them as much as possible for later use. Not only does this work, but you can also collect rewards more quickly. A tip for occasional payers: you can also help yourself to rewards in the Fairtrade store at the same time.
List of events where we can store prizes:
– Mini Event
– Treasure / Hammer Event
– Rune Event
– Tournaments

Do you have any other questions? Please let us know in our communities :