Welcome to the Ancient Set page! All informations about Eagle Eye Set is on this page! Enjoy!

The design of the complete Ancient set
List of the Materials – Festival
Sapphire Emblem
Bow Handle
Reinforced Fabric
Effect Offer
Weapon : Stun
Soul Weapon : Increase Damage
Armor : Skeleton
Soul Armor : Auto Rez
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Effect Set
Bonus 2/6
Eagle Eye attacks apply a Hunter’s Mark on the target. Whenever an enemy gains 3 Hunter’s Marks, Eagle Eye deals magic damage equal to 5 % of the target’s max health. Every second, Eagle Eye throws a dagger at the target of the attack. The dagger deals physical damage equal to 50 % of Eagle Eye’s attack and applies a Hunter’s Mark on the target.
Bonus 4/6
Eagle Eye attacks apply a Hunter’s Mark on the target. Whenever an enemy gains 3 Hunter’s Marks, Eagle Eye deals magic damage equal to 10 % of the target’s max health. Every second, Eagle Eye throws a dagger at the target of the attack. The dagger deals physical damage equal to 75 % of Eagle Eye’s attack and applies a Hunter’s Mark on the target. Once in a while, Eagle Eye fires a volley of 3 arrows at the target of the attack. Each arrow deals physical damage equal to 100 % of Eagle Eye’s attack, applies a Hunter’s Mark on the target and reduces the target’s physical armor by 5 % for 6 sec. Stacks up to 3 times.
Bonus 6/6
Eagle Eye attacks apply a Hunter’s Mark on the target. Whenever an enemy gains 3 Hunter’s Marks, Eagle Eye deals magic damage equal to 20 % of the target’s max health. Eagle Eye restores health equal to 50 % of the damage dealt by the ability. Every second, Eagle Eye throws a dagger at the target of the attack. The dagger deals physical damage equal to 150 % of Eagle Eye’s attack and applies a Hunter’s Mark on the target. Eagle Eye restores health equal to 50 % of the damage dealt by the dagger. Once in a while, Eagle Eye fires a volley of 3 arrows at the target of the attack. Each arrow deals physical damage equal to 200 % of Eagle Eye’s attack, applies a Hunter’s Mark on the target and steals 15 % of the target’s physical armor for 6 sec. Stacks up to 3 times. Once in a while, Eagle Eye shoots a life-saving arrow at a dead ally, resurrecting them with 25 % health. Eagle Eye’s stats increase by 20 % of the resurrected unit’s stats for 10 sec.
Substance Set
Substance of Chaos
Bonus 2/6
Damage of a Hunter’s Mark ignores 50 % of the target’s armor.
Bonus 4/6
Damage of a Hunter’s Mark ignores 50 % of the target’s armor.
Each shot from a volley of arrows deals an extra pure damage to the target and all enemies in a small radius around it, equal to 200 % of Eagle Eye’s physical armor.
Bonus 6/6
Damage of a Hunter’s Mark ignores 50 % of the target’s armor.
Each shot from a volley of arrows deals an extra pure damage to the target and all enemies in a small radius around it, equal to 200 % of Eagle Eye’s physical armor.
When resurrecting with a life-saving arrow, Eagle Eye deals physical damage to all enemies equal to 25 % of the resurrected unit’s max health.
Substance of Harmony
Bonus 2/6
On hit, the dagger has a 30 % chance to stun the target for 1 sec.
Bonus 4/6
On hit, the dagger has a 30 % chance to stun the target for 1 sec.
When attacking, throwing a dagger, or firing a volley of arrows, the unit has a 30 % chance to silence the target’s weapon and artifact for 2 sec.
Bonus 6/6
On hit, the dagger has a 30 % chance to stun the target for 1 sec.
When attacking, throwing a dagger, or firing a volley of arrows, the unit has a 30 % chance to silence the target’s weapon and artifact for 2 sec.
When resurrecting with a life-saving arrow, Eagle Eye increases the stats of all allies by 10 % of the resurrected unit’s stats for 10 sec.
Substance of Greatness
Bonus 2/6
Eagle Eye gains a shield that absorbs damage equal to 30 % of the damage dealt by the Hunter’s Mark explosion. The shield absorbs damage of any type and lasts for 6 sec. Stacks up to 3 times.
Bonus 4/6
Eagle Eye gains a shield that absorbs damage equal to 30 % of the damage dealt by the Hunter’s Mark explosion. The shield absorbs damage of any type and lasts for 6 sec. Stacks up to 3 times.
When attacking, throwing a dagger, or firing a volley of arrows, Eagle Eye has a 30 %
chance to restore 5 % of own max health.
Bonus 6/6
Eagle Eye gains a shield that absorbs damage equal to 30 % of the damage dealt by the Hunter’s Mark explosion. The shield absorbs damage of any type and lasts for 6 sec. Stacks up to 3 times.
When attacking, throwing a dagger, or firing a volley of arrows, Eagle Eye has a 30 %
chance to restore 5 % of own max health.
When resurrecting with a life-saving arrow, Eagle Eye casts a shield on themself and the resurrected unit that absorbs 40 % damage of any type for 5 sec.
Tierlist : A
List of Items meta for the set
Soul Weapon
Soul Armor