Eagle Eye Set

Welcome to the Ancient Set page! All informations about Eagle Eye Set is on this page! Enjoy!

The design of the complete Ancient set


List of the Materials – Festival

:Chaperon: Chaperon
:Arrowhead: Arrowhead
:SapphireEmblem: Sapphire Emblem
:BowHandle: Bow Handle
:ReinforcedFabric: Reinforced Fabric

Effect Offer

  • :EagleEye_Bow: Weapon : Stun
  • :iconSoulWeaponBow: Soul Weapon : Increase Damage
  • :EagleEye: Armor : Skeleton
  • :iconSoulArmorRanger: Soul Armor : Auto Rez

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Effect Set

Bonus 2/6

Eagle Eye attacks apply a Hunter’s Mark on the target. Whenever an enemy gains 3 Hunter’s Marks, Eagle Eye deals magic damage equal to 5 % of the target’s max health. Every second, Eagle Eye throws a dagger at the target of the attack. The dagger deals physical damage equal to 50 % of Eagle Eye’s attack and applies a Hunter’s Mark on the target.

Bonus 4/6

Eagle Eye attacks apply a Hunter’s Mark on the target. Whenever an enemy gains 3 Hunter’s Marks, Eagle Eye deals magic damage equal to 10 % of the target’s max health. Every second, Eagle Eye throws a dagger at the target of the attack. The dagger deals physical damage equal to 75 % of Eagle Eye’s attack and applies a Hunter’s Mark on the target. Once in a while, Eagle Eye fires a volley of 3 arrows at the target of the attack. Each arrow deals physical damage equal to 100 % of Eagle Eye’s attack, applies a Hunter’s Mark on the target and reduces the target’s physical armor by 5 % for 6 sec. Stacks up to 3 times.

Bonus 6/6

Eagle Eye attacks apply a Hunter’s Mark on the target. Whenever an enemy gains 3 Hunter’s Marks, Eagle Eye deals magic damage equal to 20 % of the target’s max health. Eagle Eye restores health equal to 50 % of the damage dealt by the ability. Every second, Eagle Eye throws a dagger at the target of the attack. The dagger deals physical damage equal to 150 % of Eagle Eye’s attack and applies a Hunter’s Mark on the target. Eagle Eye restores health equal to 50 % of the damage dealt by the dagger. Once in a while, Eagle Eye fires a volley of 3 arrows at the target of the attack. Each arrow deals physical damage equal to 200 % of Eagle Eye’s attack, applies a Hunter’s Mark on the target and steals 15 % of the target’s physical armor for 6 sec. Stacks up to 3 times. Once in a while, Eagle Eye shoots a life-saving arrow at a dead ally, resurrecting them with 25 % health. Eagle Eye’s stats increase by 20 % of the resurrected unit’s stats for 10 sec.

Substance Set

:Red: Substance of Chaos

Bonus 2/6

Damage of a Hunter’s Mark ignores 50 % of the target’s armor.

Bonus 4/6

Damage of a Hunter’s Mark ignores 50 % of the target’s armor.
Each shot from a volley of arrows deals an extra pure damage to the target and all enemies in a small radius around it, equal to 200 % of Eagle Eye’s physical armor.

Bonus 6/6

Damage of a Hunter’s Mark ignores 50 % of the target’s armor.
Each shot from a volley of arrows deals an extra pure damage to the target and all enemies in a small radius around it, equal to 200 % of Eagle Eye’s physical armor.
When resurrecting with a life-saving arrow, Eagle Eye deals physical damage to all enemies equal to 25 % of the resurrected unit’s max health.

:Purple: Substance of Harmony

Bonus 2/6

On hit, the dagger has a 30 % chance to stun the target for 1 sec.

Bonus 4/6

On hit, the dagger has a 30 % chance to stun the target for 1 sec.
When attacking, throwing a dagger, or firing a volley of arrows, the unit has a 30 % chance to silence the target’s weapon and artifact for 2 sec.

Bonus 6/6

On hit, the dagger has a 30 % chance to stun the target for 1 sec.
When attacking, throwing a dagger, or firing a volley of arrows, the unit has a 30 % chance to silence the target’s weapon and artifact for 2 sec.
When resurrecting with a life-saving arrow, Eagle Eye increases the stats of all allies by 10 % of the resurrected unit’s stats for 10 sec.

:Yellow: Substance of Greatness

Bonus 2/6

Eagle Eye gains a shield that absorbs damage equal to 30 % of the damage dealt by the Hunter’s Mark explosion. The shield absorbs damage of any type and lasts for 6 sec. Stacks up to 3 times.

Bonus 4/6

Eagle Eye gains a shield that absorbs damage equal to 30 % of the damage dealt by the Hunter’s Mark explosion. The shield absorbs damage of any type and lasts for 6 sec. Stacks up to 3 times.
When attacking, throwing a dagger, or firing a volley of arrows, Eagle Eye has a 30 %
chance to restore 5 % of own max health.

Bonus 6/6

Eagle Eye gains a shield that absorbs damage equal to 30 % of the damage dealt by the Hunter’s Mark explosion. The shield absorbs damage of any type and lasts for 6 sec. Stacks up to 3 times.
When attacking, throwing a dagger, or firing a volley of arrows, Eagle Eye has a 30 %
chance to restore 5 % of own max health.
When resurrecting with a life-saving arrow, Eagle Eye casts a shield on themself and the resurrected unit that absorbs 40 % damage of any type for 5 sec.

Tierlist : A

List of Items meta for the set



Soul Weapon




Soul Armor





