Welcome to the Kiuqsen page. This page is private and not to be shared with anyone unless you want to promote our clan to players who want to come.
Our clans are divided into two groups :
- Little Kiuqsen
- Big Kiuqsen
Little Kiuqsen is a regulating clan that only counts among players who don’t put in much historical power and regulates it, whereas Big Kiuqsen takes players who exceed a large clan power.
Rules of the Clan
- Be respectful.
- Languages FR/ENG in clan chats, tolerance in community chats to speak another language.
- Discord/Messenger at your disposal.
- Best Performer for the best performers. (Starting 01/02/2025).
- Peaceful clan with no pressure.
- The clan tokens to invest in are not mandatory, but you can rely on the message of the day, which states where you should invest.
- Remember to ask to be put in a neighborhood if you wish, if it’s full, don’t remove everyone, remember to remove anyone with a red sticker and in priority the Warquiks who don’t need to ask anyone to deploy.
- The minimum amount of glory to obtain in the chest varies according to the throne and is the minimum indicated.
- To get an item, you have to mention it on discord or on fb, or else you take the precaution of mentioning it on the game chat, I’ll take note of what’s been mentioned there. Please note that if the item is highly coveted, such as diamonds for example, it will be allocated to the top-ranked players. AND IT IS DISTRIBUTED AT THE END OF THE SEASON.
- The Tavern is not a good place to spend tokens, to avoid losing tokens unnecessarily. Buying chests and beams of light for titans is much more relevant to your progress.
Best Performer
The Best Performer is a system for the best performers in the clan. For the most competitive among you, we look at various factors such as glory, Clan Wars deployments, resources, scrolls… The Best Performer can receive diamonds, premium and an Arena or Bay pass, and we may add more if the Best Performer persists in keeping his or her place. Best Performer is calculated over 2 seasons. Just because you’re first in glory and don’t make any Clan Wars, and the second-placed player has the same score and makes more Clan Wars than the first-placed player, doesn’t mean he’s more likely to be promoted to Best Performer.
If you are approaching players who are looking for a clan, or who would like to change clan, you can share this page if you wish.
Little Kiuqsen :
- 7M5 Power Profile max.
- Throne 5/6/7/8/9/10/11
- Royal Chest
- Clan territory almost complete, the main elements have been max.
- Boss Clan : Level 7
Big Kiuqsen :
- No small account.
- Throne 11 has priority over recruitment, whether weak or strong.
- Mythical Chest.
- Clan territory almost complete, the main elements have been max.
- Boss Clan : Level MAX
We have a Discord server and a Messenger group at your disposal.
The rules may change if necessary. If anything is missing from this page. Please let me know.
Little Kiuqsen | Big Kiuqsen : Mathys – MathemathTV