You can find below some images of Arena items with and without rune.
XXXX is a stats unknown for this moment.
Click on the “+” to see additional information.
Archer – Weapon
Increase Crit
Crit damage increases by XXX1 %.

Soul ? : Yes
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : D
Strike Damage
If the unit strikes a finishing blow, the next attack’s damage is increased by XXX1 %.

Soul ? : Yes
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : D
Hit Damage More
Each shot that hits the target enhances damage by XXX1 %. When the target is killed, damage is reduced to its initial value.

Soul ? : Yes
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : C
Crit Powaaa
Each critical hit enhances damage done by subsequent critical hits by XXX1 %. Lasts for
XXX2 sec. Stacks up to XXX3 times.

Soul ? : Yes
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : S
Shoot Mages
Once in a while, the unit takes several shots at an enemy mages. Number of shots : XXX1.

Activation :
Cooldown :
Soul ? : Yes
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : D
Shoot Archers
Once in a while, the unit takes several shots at an enemy archers. Number of shots : XXX1.

Activation :
Cooldown :
Soul ? : Yes
Throne 10 : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : D
Bow – Crit Fire
Once in a while, when a fighter makes a critical shot, it sets his target on fire, dealing XXX1 damage and reducing healing XXX2 % for XXX3 sec.

Soul ? : No
Throne 10 : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : /
Crossbow – Ignores Armor
Once in a while, the fighter’s shots ignore XXX1 % of the target’s armor for XXX2 sec.

Soul ? : No
Throne 10 : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : /
Pistols – Poison Party
The unit’s attacks have XXX1 % chance of poisoning an enemy. That enemy takes XXX2 magic damage over XXX3 sec. Their attack speed and damage are reduced by XXX4 % per second.

Soul ? : No
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : /
Shotgun – Balance off
Turret : Each turret shot has a XXX1 % chance to strike the enemy off balance. They cannot dodge or deals critical damage for XXX2 sec.

Soul ? : No
Throne 10 : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : /
Shotgun – PhyDamage
Turret : The turret’s attacks deal additional physical damage equal to XXX1 % of the target’s max health.
When the turret fires XXX2 rounds at a target, the target explodes. The target and all enemies in a small radius around it take physical damage equal to XXX3 % of their max health.

Soul ? : No
Throne 10 : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : /
Archer – Armor
Once in a while, when the armor owner is dead, summons two skeletons (Archer) XXX1 health, XXX2 damage.
Rune of Rage
Once in a while, on death, summons two skeletons (Archer) with XXX1 health and XXX2 damage, and one skeleton (Tank) with XXX3 health and XXX4 damage.

Activation :
Cooldown :
Soul ? : Yes
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : C
Splash Damage
On death, deals XXX1 splash physical damage to enemies.
Rune of Rage
On death, immediately deals XXX1 physical damage to 3 random enemies and another XXX2 damage within XXX3 sec.

Soul ? : Yes
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : D
Death Stun
On death, stuns enemies in an area for XXX1 sec.
Rune of Rage
On death, stuns enemies in the area around them for XXX1 sec and deals XXX2 physical damage.

Soul ? : Yes
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : D
Auto Rez
Once in a while, on death, resurrects with XXX1 health.
Rune of Rage
Once in a while, on death, resurrects with XXX1 health and deals XXX2 damage to the most distant enemy over XXX3 sec.

Soul ? : Yes
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : B
Each time a fighter dies, he launches XXX1 homing missiles that targets the enemies with the least health. Each missile deals XXX2 physical damage. If there are fewer than XXX3 enemies alive, there will be fewer missiles.
Rune of Rage
Every time a fighter dies, he launches XXX1 homing missiles that hit the enemies with the least health. Each missile deals XXX2 physical damage in a small area. If there are fewer than XXX3 enemies alive, there will be fewer missiles.

Soul ? : No
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : /
Crit & Dodge Increase
Each time the fighter makes a critical hit, his dodge is increased by XXX1 for XXX2 sec. This effect stacks up to XXX3 times.
Rune of Rage
Each time the fighter makes a critical hit, his dodge is increased by XXX1 for XXX2 sec. This effect stacks up to XXX3 times. Also critical hits have a XXX4 % chance to strike the enemy off balance. He can’t dodge or deal critical damage for XXX5 sec.

Soul ? : No
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : /
Increase Physical and Magic Armor
When the armor wearer or an ally gains a debuff, the armor wearer’s physical and magic armor increases by XXX1 % for XXX2 sec. Stacks up to XXX3 times. Triggers only once per XXX4 sec.
Rune of Rage
When the armor wearer or an ally gains a debuff, the physical and magic armor of the armor wearer and all allied archers increases by XXX1 % for XXX2 sec. Stacks up to XXX3 times. Triggers only once per XXX4 sec.

Soul ? : No
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : B
Tier Soul : /