You can find below some images of Arena items with and without rune.
XXXX is a stats unknown for this moment.
Click on the “+” to see additional information.
Tank – Weapon
Increase Crit
Crit damage increases by XXX1 %.

Soul ? : No
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : /
Rez + Damage
After any resurrection has been activated, a fighter equipped with this weapon deals XXX1 % more damage. Lasts for XXX2 sec.

Soul ? : Yes
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : A
Hit Damage More
Each hit increases damage by XXX1 %. When you change the target, damage is reduced to its initial value.

Soul ? : Yes
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : D
Daggers – Lethal Deals
Crit damage increases by XXX1 %.
Once in a while, when a fighter takes lethal damage, he deals XXX2 damage to the enemy who dealt that damage, and becomes invulnerable for XXX3 sec.

Activation :
Cooldown :
Soul ? : No
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : /
Sword – Lighningfreeze
Crit damage increases by XXX1 %.
Once in a while, the fighter unleashes a lightning bolt that strikes up to XXX2 of the nearest enemies, deals XXX3 physical damage and freezes them, not allowing them to move or attack for XXX4 sec. Also increases the recharge time of all enemies’ abilities (except set abilities) by XXX5 sec.

Activation :
Cooldown :
Soul ? : No
Little Throne : B
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : /
Mace – Stealth Armor
Crit damage increases by XXX1 %.
When attacking, the fighter has a XXX2 % chance to steal XXX3 armor from an enemy for XXX4 sec.

Soul ? : No
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : /
Axe – On Fire !
Crit damage increases by XXX1 %.
The basic axe ability sets targets on fire, dealing XXX2 magic damage and reducing healing by XXX3 % for XXX4 sec.

Soul ? : No
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : /
Axe – Physical Damage Killer
Crit damage increases by XXX1 %.
Once in a while, deals physical damage to all enemies in a small radius around the unit equal to XXX2 % of the unit’s max health.
For each enemy killed by this damage, the ability’s cooldown is reduced by XXX3 sec.

Soul ? : No
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : /
Spear – Stun Radius
Once in a while, the fighter deals XXX1 physical damage to enemies in a small radius around himself and stuns the affected fighters for XXX2 sec..

Soul ? : No
Throne 10 : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : /
Tank – Armor
Once in a while, when the armor owner is dead, summons two skeletons (Tank) XXX1 health, XXX2 damage.
Rune of Tenacity
Once in a while, on death, summons two skeletons (Tank) with XXX1 health and XXX2 damage, and one skeleton (Archer) with XXX3 health and XXX4 damage.

Activation :
Cooldown :
Soul ? : Yes
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : C
Tier Soul : D
Reflect Armor
When taking damage, there is a XXX1 % chance to reflect XXX2 % damage to the attacker, ignoring his armor.
Rune of Tenacity
When taking damage, has a XXX1 % chance of restoring XXX2 % health and dealing XXX3 % damage to the attacker and XXX4 % splash damage in the area around them.

Soul ? : Yes
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : Boss Clan
Tier Soul : Boss Clan
Splash Damage
On death, deals XXX1 splash physical damage to enemies.
Rune of Tenacity
On death, deals XXX1 physical damage to 3 random enemies.

Soul ? : Yes
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : D
Death Stun
On death, stuns enemies in an area for XXX1 sec.
Rune of Tenacity
On death, stuns the enemies in the area around itself for XXX1 sec. While stunned, the enemies have their attack rate and movement speed reduced to XXX2 % of the original values. Lasts for XXX3 sec.

Soul ? : Yes
Little Throne : C
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : D
Auto Rez
Once in a while, on death, resurrects with XXX1 health.
Rune of Tenacity
Once in a while, resurrects after dying with XXX1 health and lasts for XXX2 sec. The closest enemy in the area around it sides with you.

Soul ? : Yes
Little Throne : C
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : D
Once in a while, has a XXX1 % chance of activating a shield that will absorb all incoming damage for XXX2 sec.
Rune of Tenacity
When taking damage, has a XXX1 % chance of reflecting XXX2 % of the damage back to attacker and activating a shield that will absorb all incoming damage for XXX3 sec.

Soul ? : Yes
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : D
Reflect Physical
Once in a while, all damage that the armor’s owner takes is redirected as physical damage to the enemy fighter with the lowest current health for XXX1 sec.
Rune of Tenacity
Once in a while, all damage that the armor’s owner takes is redirected as physical damage to the enemy fighter with the lowest current health for XXX1 sec. The fighter also restores XXX2 health when taking damage.

Soul ? : No
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : /
Fatal Health
Once in a while, when a fighter takes lethal damage, he restores XXX1 health.
Rune of Tenacity
Once in a while, when a fighter takes lethal damage, he restores XXX1 health and increases his physical and magic armor by XXX2 %.

Soul ? : No
Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : /
Increase/Damage Zone
Once in a while, the unit’s physical and magic armor increases by XXX1 % for XXX2 sec. During this time, every XXX3 sec, all enemies in a small radius around the armor wearer take XXX4 physical damage, and their damage is reduced by XXX5 % for XXX6 sec. Stacks up to XXX7 times. The unit also restores health equal to XXX8 % of the damage dealt by the ability.
Rune of Tenacity
Once in a while, the unit’s physical and magic armor increases by XXX1 % for XXX2 sec. During this time, every XXX3 sec, all enemies in a small radius around the armor wearer take XXX4 physical damage, and their damage is reduced by XXX5 % for XXX6 sec. Stacks up to XXX7 times. The unit also restores health equal to XXX8 % of the damage dealt by the ability.
While the armor boost is in effect, every XXX9 sec, all allies in a small radius around the unit restore XXX10 health, and their damage increase by XXX11 % for XXX12 sec. Stacks up to XXX13 times.

Soul ? : No
Little Throne : B
Throne 11 : D
Tier Soul : /