
An Artifact is an item allowing you to perform specific effects.

Showing you where the artifact fits on your fighter :

This is what an artifact looks like below.

Legend :

  • In Purple, this is the name of the artifact, it has nothing to do with the “Unique” function.
  • In Orange, it is the “Unique” function, every other artifact if the two artifacts have the same name in Yellow. For example, if you have the same name twice and you have it on your squad, that means only one of the two artifacts will activate.
  • In Red is the activation of the artifact, the “Once in a while” condition on the first time is 4.5 seconds. When the condition “Occasionally, when …” there must be a minimum of 4.5 seconds and the second condition fulfilled otherwise it will not activate.
  • In Green, the “Cooldown” time. This is the waiting time between two activations.

To equip the artifact, you have to respect the levels of the fighters.
As you can see in this picture :

All Throne (Click on the + for more information) :

Summon Heal

Ranking :

Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D

Summons a minion (XXX1 health) with a healing ability to the battlefield. Heals XXX2 per second. Lasts for XXX3 sec.


Summons a minion (XXX1 health) with a healing ability to the battlefield. Heals XXX2 per second. Lasts for XXX3 sec. On death, restores x health to XXX4 allies.

Summon Ranger

Ranking :

Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D

Summons a ranged unit to the battlefield that attacks the most distant targets. Deals XXX1 damage per second. Lasts for XXX2 sec.


Summons a ranger (XXX1 health) that attacks the farthest targets. Deals XXX2 damage per sec. On death, the Sniper shoots a random enemy with an arrow that deals five times regular damage. Lasts for XXX3 sec.

Reduce Heal

Ranking :

Little Throne : C
Throne 11 : C

Reduces health restoration efficiency in all enemies by XXX1 %. Lasts for XXX2 sec.


Reduce the effectiveness of health restoration for all enemies by XXX1 % and their resurrection efficiency by XXX2 %. Lasts for XXX3 sec.

Blood Cast

Ranking :

Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D

Casts blood lust on a fighter, decreasing their health by XXX1 % and increasing damage caused by XXX2 %. Lasts for XXX3 sec.


Casts blood lust on a fighter, decreasing their health by XXX1 % and increasing damage caused by XXX2 %. Every third attack will be critical. Lasts for XXX3 sec.

Block Artifact

Ranking :

Little Throne : B
Throne 11 : B

Prevents all enemies from using artifacts for XXX1 sec.


Prevents all enemies from using artifacts for XXX1 sec and takes an artifact from a random enemy that is still alive to use it against the enemy squad.

Health & Reducio

Ranking :

Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D

The fighter restores x health for XXX1 sec and takes XXX2 % less damage for XXX3 sec.


The fighter restores XXX1 health for XXX2 sec and becomes invulnerable to magic damage for XXX3 sec.

Restores Party

Ranking :

Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D

Restores XXX1 health to all allies.


When an enemy fighter is resurrected, XXX1 health is restored to all allies. Also, damage from attacks is increased by XXX2 %.

Block Mage

Ranking :

Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : B

Prevents enemy mages from using their weapon abilities for XXX1 sec and reduces the ability cooldown of weapons used friendly mages by XXX2 sec.


Disarms enemy mages for XXX1 sec and reduces the ability cooldown of weapons used by friendly mages by XXX2 sec.

Petrification Move

Ranking :

Little Throne : B
Throne 11 : A

When the artifact wearer is affected by a movement restricting effect, XXX1 random enemies are petrified. They are unable to move and take XXX2 % more damage. Lasts for XXX3 sec.


When the artifact wearer is affected by a movement restricting effect, XXX1 random enemies are petrified. They are unable to move and take XXX2 % more damage. Lasts for XXX3 sec. Also, this effect is applied to enemy that used the movement restricting effect.

Health Magic Damage

Ranking :

Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : B

XXX1 % of the amount of health restored to allies is distributed as magic damage to all enemies. The effect lasts for XXX2 sec.


XXX1 % of the amount of health restored to allies is distributed as magic damage to all enemies. The effect lasts for XXX2 sec. Also, the efficiency of the enemies’ healing abilities is reduced by XXX3 % during that period.

Health Help

Ranking :

Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D

The artifact wearer and a random ally have XXX1 health restored.


The artifact wearer and XXX1 random allies have XXX2 health restored.

Increase Stats

Ranking :

Little Throne : B
Throne 11 : B

All allies have XXX1 health restored and their damage enhanced by XXX2 % for XXX3 sec. The mages have their spell power increased by XXX4 %.


All allies have XXX1 health restored, their max health increased by XXX2 % for XXX3 sec, and their damage enhanced by XXX4 % for XXX5 sec. The mages have their spell power increased by XXX6 %.

Scare Burn

Ranking :

Little Throne : S
Throne 11 : B

Scares XXX1 random enemies for XXX2 sec. Whenever an enemy is scared, the artifact owner increases the incoming damage to the scared enemy by XXX3 % for XXX4 sec and sets them on fire. The burning unit takes XXX5 magic damage and has their healing rate reduced by XXX6 % for XXX7 sec.


Scares XXX1 random enemies for XXX2 sec. Whenever an enemy is scared, the artifact owner increases the incoming damage to the scared enemy by XXX3 % for XXX4 sec, deals XXX5 pure damage, and sets them on fire. The burning unit takes XXX6 magic damage and has their healing rate reduced by XXX7 % for XXX8 sec.

Potion Toxic

Ranking :

Little Throne : B
Throne 11 : C

Throws an alchemical potion at a random enemy. On impact, it explodes dealing XXX1 magic damage to the target and all enemies in a small radius around it and covering all affected enemies with a special solution for XXX2 sec :

  • If a unit dies while the solution is in effect, they can’t be resurrected for XXX3 sec.
  • All units covered by the solution take XXX4 magic damage for XXX5 sec.
  • The incoming healing to those units is reduced by XXX6 % for XXX7 sec.


Throws an alchemical potion at a random enemy. On impact, it explodes dealing XXX1 magic damage to the target and all enemies in a small radius around it and covering all affected enemies with a special solution for XXX2 sec :

  • If a unit dies while the solution is in effect, they can’t be resurrected for XXX3 sec.
  • All units covered by the solution take XXX4 magic damage for XXX5 sec.
  • The incoming healing to those units is reduced by XXX6 % for XXX7 sec.
  • If an enemy dies while the solution is in effect, the artifact owner resurrects a random ally with XXX8 % health.

Storm Striker

Ranking :

Little Throne : S
Throne 11 : B

Summons a storm that lasts for XXX1 sec.
During this time, lightning strikes a random enemy every second. The lightning deals XXX2 magic damage and bounces up to XXX3 times. On hit, lightning has a XXX4 % chance to stun the target for XXX5 sec. When the stun wears off, the target has a XXX6 % chance to become scared for XXX7 sec.


Summons a storm that lasts for XXX1 sec.
During this time, lightning strikes a random enemy every second. The lightning deals XXX2 magic damage and bounces up to XXX3 times. On hit, lightning has a XXX4 % chance to stun the target for XXX5 sec. When the stun wears off, the target has a XXX6 % chance to become scared for XXX7 sec. If the unit is scared, they take XXX8 magic damage and can’t be affected by buffs while they are scared.


Ranking :

Little Throne : C
Throne 11 : C

Casts a curse on the target and nearby enemies over XXX1 sec. Enemies killed while the curse is active cannot be resurrected for XXX2 sec. No more than XXX3 enemies can be cursed at once.


Casts a curse on the target and nearby enemies, dealing XXX1 damage over XXX2 sec. Enemies killed while the curse is active cannot be resurrected for XXX3 sec. No more XXX4 enemies can be cursed at once.

Throne 8+(Click on the + for more information) :

Reduce Time

Ranking :

Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : Clan Territory Boss

The damage the unit deals is reduced by XXX1 %, but their ability cooldown is reduced by XXX2 %. Lasts for XXX3 sec.


The damage the unit deals is reduced by XXX1 %, but their ability cooldown is reduced by XXX2 %. Lasts for XXX3 sec. Also, the unit has their health restored to its max.

Teleport / BackStab (Available TR5/6/7 if P2W)

Ranking :

Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : Clan Territory Boss

Teleports behind the enemies for XXX1 sec.


Teleports behind the enemy’s back for XXX1 sec. The first blow struck after teleporting disarms the target for XXX2 sec.


Ranking :

Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : D

Deals XXX1 damage to a fighter that has used an artifact and three further random enemies and stuns them for XXX2 sec.


Deals XXX1 damage to three random enemies and stuns for XXX2 sec.

Abyss Fire

Ranking :

Little Throne : If you play Poison – When the artifact wearer is dead | If not : D
Throne 11 : D

Deals XXX1 damage to all enemies and stuns them for XXX2 sec. Summons a minion next to the enemy (health XXX3XXX4 , damage XXX5 ).


Deals XXX1 damage to all enemies and stuns them for XXX2 sec. Summons a minion next to the enemy (health XXX3, damage XXX4 ). On death, the minion explodes and stuns XXX5 enemies for XXX6 sec.


Ranking :

Little Throne : D
Throne 11 : B

Slows the next ability cooldown in all enemies by XXX1 %. Speeds up the next ability cooldown in all allies by XXX2 %.


Slows the next ability cooldown in all enemies by XXX1 %. The next attack by all allies will be a critical hit. Speeds up the next ability cooldown in all allies by XXX2 %.

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