To get the clan room, you need to be at least throne level 4. You then have two options :
Create a clan
This will cost you 50 000 gold.
Once you’ve chosen the name, you can set the labels and conditions for entry. You can then change the names of the ranks.
Please note: it’s impossible to change your clan name afterwards.
For more details, click on the “+” :

Join a clan
When you want to join a clan, the game’s algorithm suggests recent clans, as well as 3 clans in which your friends are already in the game.
You can search by name, use filters to sort by location (country), number of participants, ranking or tag.
You can also search for recruits in global chat.
Pour plus de détails, cliquer sur le “+”.

You can have a maximum of 12 ranked players in a clan, including the deputy leader.
- Soldier.
- Officer : can invite and ban soldiers.
- Warlord : can invite or ban soldiers and officers, manage territory neighbourhood, manage and launch/cancel clan wars.
- Deputy Leader : has the powers of the Warlord, can distribute the clan chest and rank/demote a player.
- Clan Leader : cannot be demoted, and when he leaves his clan, his role is given directly to his deputy.
Officers, warlords and deputies can demote themselves if their position no longer suits them. Beware of false manipulation!

For more details, click on the “+” :
- Clan Wars.
- Active Arena.
- Fighting for top places.
- Clan chest.
- Friendly practice.
- Boss Hunters.
- Newbies.
- Shared Dungeons.
- Intense leveling up.
- Active events
- Workaholics.
- International.
- Sociable.
- Newbies welcome.
- Sharing resources.
- Sharing secrets.
- Long-time friends.
- Gourmet clan.

Chests Clan
At the end of a season (14 days), as soon as you have recovered a certain amount of glory (blue stars), you get a personal chest.
The higher your throne, the greater the amount of glory you need.
- Throne 4 : 1 000
- Throne 5 : 7 500
- Throne 6 : 10 000
- Throne 7 : 15 000
- Throne 8 : 20 000
- Throne 9 : 25 000
- Throne 10 : 30 000
- Throne 11 : 35 000
Depending on the total amount of glory achieved by your clan members, a chest containing more or less rewards will appear. The deputy and the clan leader can distribute these to the various clan members. They can give you a reward if, and only if, you’ve achieved enough glory to open your personal chest.

Liste des coffres (appuyer sur le + pour plus d’informations) :
Simple 50 000 

Uncommon 100 000 

Rare 200 000 

Emerald 400 000 

Epic 800 000 

Heroic 1 500 000 

Royal 3 000 000 

Mythical 4 500 000 

Tsar 6 500 000 

Ancient 15 000 000 

The Benefits of a Clan
The clan is important, though, because this is where you can share your passion for the game with other players. This is usually where you’ll find advice, but don’t worry if you don’t – we’ve got you covered!
The end-of-season chest (every 14 days) and the clan territory store are still useful. Neighborhoods allow you to gain resources : in player-versus-player fight, with invasions, in the portal, in dungeons, in the gem bay…
If you have any questions about this tutorial, we invite you to join our community.
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