The Clan Territory is available if you are in a clan. You can join a clan after you reach Throne level 4.
To access the clan territory, just tap on the small castle icon located at the bottom left of your screen:
There are multiple currencies available inside the clan territory.

Obtaining Clan Coins
Clan coins are obtained:
- By winning Clan Wars battles,
- At the end of a Clan Wars season (see table below),
- By hitting and defeating clan bosses (see Gate of the Abyss),
- By completing clan quests,
- By completing Expeditions (6,000 for losing and 24,000 for winning).

Town Hall
This building allows you to unlock the construction or improvement of other buildings in the Clan Territory. It is located in the middle of the Clan Territory map.
You will also be able to obtain new coat of arms for the clan (clan banner) once you upgrade your Town Hall to level 6.
For more details, click on the ”+“

The Message Board
This building, as the name suggests, allows players to complete one daily quest from a list. The number of randomly generated quests available varies depending on the level of the message board. Each quest can completed as a collective effort by 1 to 3 players. The clan coins reward vary on the difficulty of the quest and the throne level of the player.
Clan coins earned belong to the player who earned them. That player can decide to invest clan coins in building development or spend them at the store in exchange for rewards.
We recommend that you place the higher thrones early on as they gain more clan coins than a lower level throne. After the Message Board reaches level 3, it will be easier to have everyone (30 places approximately) reap in rewards.
For more details, click on the ”+“

Hunter’s Neighborhood
This building is essential for the Gate of the Abyss location; it allows you to obtain Scrolls of Summoning which are required to summon bosses.
Players placed in this neighborhood earn scrolls the following way:
- Completing portal chest levels,
- Defeating an invasion point,
- Defeating a dungeon boss.
Only the clan leader or officers have the authority to assign and remove players in the Hunter’s Neighborhood.
As a bonus, players assigned to the neighborhood can earn more resources from invasions, gain more souls in the portal, and gain more ether in the dungeon.
For more details, click on the ”+“

The Workers’ Neighborhood
This location is essential for the Tavern location; it will allow you to collect ingredients to create dishes in the Tavern for character buffs going into battle of any type. Players assigned to the Worker’s Neighborhood will also earn a % bonus of clan coins when completing activities that generate clan coins. You can only earn Ingredients by being assigned to the Worker’s Neighborhood. The ingredients are earned for the whole clan. Player’s placed in this neighborhood earn Ingredients the following way:
- Winning your Clan War spot,
- Fighting bosses in the Gate of Abyss (counted per heart removed)
Only the clan leader or officers have the authority to assign and remove players in the Hunter’s Neighborhood.
For more details, click on the ”+“

The Raider’s Neighborhood
This building is essential for (Marquee) Expeditions; it will allow you to collect marauder maps to participate in expeditions. Players assigned to the neighborhood will also earn a % bonus of courage badges (Arena), kraken tokens (Gem Bay), and resources in PvP. Marauder maps are earned for the whole clan.
Only the clan leader or officers have the authority to assign and remove players in the Hunter’s Neighborhood.
Marauder Maps earned the following ways:
- Completing Arena tournaments,
- Clearing waves in Gem Bay,
- Winning battles in PvP (Map).
For more details, click on the ”+“

The store sells classic items for the clan, equipment, souls and gems.
A purchase in the store will require Clan coins. Please note, your purchase is for you and you alone, the rest of the clan will not receive anything.
The price varies depending on your level of the throne.
The building development of the store makes it possible to increase stocks (prices do not vary in any way).
For more details, click on the ”+“

The tavern allows players to gain buffs for the fighters by making dishes. Making a dish requires ingredients and clan coins.
Only Clan Leader and Officer are allowed to cook meals for their clan. A dish contains between 5 and 15 servings and improves the statistics of your fighters according to your level of throne and for a pre-determined period of time.
For more details, click on the ”+“

Placement of players in a neighborhood
The clan leader or officers have to move players from the residential area to go to a neighborhood.
Framed in blue, the player who is in the neighborhood.
The timer, framed in red, is the remaining time during which the place cannot be occupied by another player (60min limit). If you remove the player before the timer runs out, that assigned spot remains unavailable for the remainder of the time.
Framed in orange, the different neighborhoods (worker’s, raider’s, hunter’s), you can assign up to 6 players (more in future updates).

Gate of the Abyss :
Expeditions :
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