The Dark Cathedral starts at Throne 6. To access this activity, go to the map and then Dark Cathedral :

As you can see from this screenshot, the dungeons work in the same way as those for Throne 9+, except that you have 3 different levels, one of which is only available for Throne 11.
You can choose to participate either with a number of food items or with keys. The difference is that if you use a key, you gain an extra chest that will allow you to progress further.
Once you’ve chosen an operational team, you’re ready to go. The choice of team depends on the throne. When choosing a small throne team, which includes up to Thrones 10, you’ll need to play a lot of archers; adding one or two mages with tank armor can help keep archers alive.
As for Thrones 11, playing 5 ancient sets (mages) beforehand will enable you to win your battles effectively, as shown in the screenshot below. (Of course, come to think of it, there’s one boss who’s immune to magic damage, so don’t worry, in the event of physical or pure damage, the boss won’t last, which is why a team of 5 mages is quite sufficient and not worth putting in a whole team, as the activity depends on the power you’re going to put into the activity and your throne).

Setting spells could help, but it’s not a necessity.
The multiplier engages automatically when you want to play a cathedral.

The value above “Participate” is an approximate value of what you’ll get.
Don’t forget to collect the hero’s relic dedicated to the cathedral for Thrones 9 and + and to deploy in the hunters’ neighborhood :

Here’s what a map of a cathedral looks like (you can see the floor you’re on in the center) :

No conditions on neutral spots called “Random Skirmish”.
Each spot you win earns you a blessing of a particular rarity.
My advice is to take a blessing that benefits the one you want to prioritize, for a Throne 11 with a full mage team, we recommend all-category or mage blessings. For a small throne, taking all-category or archer blessings is the best solution for a more successful game.

Dangerous Game

When you choose an action, either flip a coin or don’t take any chances, and move on to the next one.
If you win, you collect the reward mentioned on the spot. If you lose, your entire team loses 15% of their maximum health.

My advice is to accept unless you’re not very good at it. But if you’re relatively self-sufficient, you can do this activity and take all the risks you want.
Arena of Torment

L’arène de la souffrance est un spot qui permet de gagner contre 3 vagues. Ce spot est plus puissant qu’un spot basique que nous avions dû parler précédemment.
Si vous avez perdu l’emplacement, vous ne pourrez pas le refaire, il sera considéré comme validé.

Altar of Blood

Depending on the number of useless fighters in your team, you can have them sacrificed and then collect a higher blessing, or skip to the next step if you don’t want to do the ritual. The more health sacrifices you make, the higher the blessing.


The camp is a very rewarding spot for the player.
It’s up to you to restore your allies to 40% of their maximum health, or to resurrect a random ally (don’t do this if your number of useless inhabitants is dead), or to move on and collect an extra reward.

Ally in Reflection

The spotlight allows you to win an additional ally for your team.


To get to the next floor, you’ll have to face this kind of boss. This boss will allow you to win one or two chests if you’ve taken a key or not. And an extra scroll bonus if you’ve been in the hunters’ neighborhood.

This boss doesn’t give you a chest, but it’s important to note that if you’re in the hunter’s neighborhood, you can earn a number of boss summoning scrolls.
Once you’ve beaten the floor boss, you can click on Next Floor :

Other information to explain on this tutoria l: there’s a store and a blessing inventory at your disposal, which you can see to your right.

Starting with the bottom button, you’ll find a list of all the blessings you’ve earned during your adventure.

And the store button above, it can ask you to barter for diamonds in exchange for spells, or cathedral points for blessings. For beginners, this is a compromise to take only legendary. If you’re not a beginner, this section is strictly useless.
If a fighter dies, you can resurrect him with an ad (once a day) using soul stones. To do this, click on the advert, click on the dead fighter and click on resurrect if you want to resurrect a fighter.

You can also restore an entire team at will, but this is only useful if the fighter is almost dead and you’re facing a “dangerous game” spot if you flip a coin.

If you find yourself in the above-mentioned situation, go to the fighters at the top left of your screen. That way, you can heal the fighter(s) in question as you wish.

To conclude, you need the hero’s relic with the right activity and the hunter’s neighborhood to earn even more rewards.
There’s not much to mention in the store. If you want to pick up chests, I’d recommend buying them at Throne 11, although it’s not a requirement per se since you get the manuscripts back pretty quickly. What you need to take from this store and from Throne 11 are essences.
For those who want to make advanced antique sets, you’ll need at least :
– 17 Shell
– 40 Basis of Existence
– 40 Top Tier Armor

As for the rest, there’s no need. Cathedral chests can be picked up quickly in premium mode. On the other hand, for players who want to store everything, it’s not upgradeable. You can open it immediately. A glimpse of a Throne 11 chest at Nightmare level = Equivalent to the legendary chest.

After that, if you don’t manage to perform in the dark cathedral activity, it’s because your team isn’t in tune with what he needs at his throne.