The Donkey is available from Throne 2 and unique items are available from Throne 5, while the Dragon appears from Throne 5.
The next information concerning the donkey :
November 1
We don’t have the icon of the artifact
Activation : For the duration of the fight
The powers of the earth grant the artifact’s owner special abilities:
* The fighter cannot be turned to stone.
* With a {} chance, the fighter’s attacks turn the target into stone. During this time, the target cannot move and take {} additional damage.
* Each time an enemy is turned to stone, the artifact’s owner deals {} additional magic damage.

The powers of the earth grant the artifact’s owner special abilities:
* The fighter cannot be turned to stone.
* With {} chance, the fighter’s attacks turn the target into stone. During this time, the target cannot move and take {} additional damage.
* Each time an enemy is turned to stone, the artifact’s owner deals {} magic damage.
* Once in a while, the artifact owner removes petrification from a random ally and duplicates the artifact’s ability on that fighter for {} sec.
Diamonds Chest
Once in a while, {} allies with the lowest current health are restored. A random negative effect is removed from them and they regenerate {} health points. They also have their damage increased by {}, their health increased by {} and their damage received reduced by {} for {}s.
With {} chance, the fighter’s shot stuns the target of the attack for {} seconds and reduces the target’s physical and magic armor by {} for {} seconds.
The fighter also fires {} quick shots at the target.
Once in a while, when the fighter’s health drops below {}, he gains a shield that blocks {} damage for {} seconds. In addition, for {} seconds, all the fighter’s attacks begin to deal critical damage, and the fighter recovers health equal to {} of the damage dealt.

Once in a while, every {} seconds, when the fighter’s health drops below {}, he gains a shield that blocks {} damage for {} seconds. In addition, for {} seconds, the fighter’s damage increases by {}, all his attacks begin to deal critical damage and the fighter recovers health equal to {} of all the damage he dealt.
Once in a while, the fighter gains a shield that redirects {} of the damage he takes for {} seconds to the nearest enemy.

Once in a while, the fighter receives a shield that redirects {} of the damage received by the fighter for {} seconds to the nearest enemy. The fighter also places a similar shield on a random ally (priority tank).
Once in a while, a fighter fires a special arrow at the nearest enemy. The arrow destroys the target’s armor and disarms the armor for {} seconds (during this time, the target cannot use the weapon’s abilities). When torn, the target take {} pure damage and its physical armor is reduced by {} for {} seconds. Maximum {} effects. In addition, the enemy take {} physical damage for {} seconds.
Each time a fighter takes {} damage, his fortitude, physical armor and magic armor are increased by {} for {} seconds. Maximum {} effects. The fighter also regenerates {} health.
Once in a while, when a fighter takes magic damage, he silences the enemy who took the magic damage. The enemy cannot use its weapon or artifact abilities for {} seconds.
Once in a while, the magic pierce of the fighter and {} nearby allied fighters is increased by {} for {} seconds. During this period, all targets of the ability cannot be disarmed.
Once in a while, the caster binds by fate to the ally with the lowest health for {} seconds. Their incoming and outgoing heals increase by {} and they begin to regenerate {} of their maximum health every second. In addition, all healing received by fighters is duplicated between them for as long as the link is active. Healing received by fighters through the amulet’s ability is not duplicated.
Once in a while, a fighter’s spell power is increased by {} for {} seconds. In addition, the spell power of all allies in a small area around the totem’s owner is increased by {} for {} seconds.
Skins Diamonds Chest
Unique Diamonds Chest
Activation : Once in a while
All enemy mages take {} physical damage and cooldown time of their resurrection ability is increased by {} sec.

All enemy mages take {} physical damage and cooldown time of their resurrection ability is increased by {} sec. In addition, cooldown time of their weapon abilities is increased by {} sec.
Once in a while, when an enemy unit uses a resurrection ability, they take {} pure damage and resurrection ability cooldown time is increased by {} sec.
Every second the unit restores health to all allies around them equal to {} % of their max health. The less health an ally has, the more health they restore, up to {} %.
Activation : Once in a while
The unit releases a sound wave that strikes all enemies, dealing {} pure damage to them and stunning them for {} sec.

The unit releases a sound wave that strikes all enemies, dealing {} pure damage to them and stunning them for {} sec. Each enemy hit has a {} % chance to turn to stun. They can’t move and take {} % more damage. Lasts for {} sec.
November 2
Activation : Once in a while
The fighter surrounds himself with a magic crystal for {}s. During this time, he blocks all physical damage, cannot be blocked from using his abilities, cannot move or attack, but his spell power is increased by {} and the recharge time of his weapon and armor abilities is decreased by {} seconds.

The fighter surrounds himself with a magic crystal for {} seconds. During this time, he blocks physical damage, cannot be blocked from using his abilities and cannot move or attack, but his spell power and magic breakthrough are increased by {} and the recharge time of his weapon and armor abilities is reduced by {} seconds.