The event of “April Fool” began in 1st April 2019. It lasted 10 Days and ended on 11 April 2019.
It was a roulette.

Grav in front of the Castle :

A preview of the event below :

Event Content :
- Castle decorations (Flag, Bridge, Windows, etc…)
- Resources, whose type and quantity varied according to the throne (Iron from throne 9 for example)
- Event outfits.
- Resource outfits adapted to the level of the throne.
- Gems/Particles (Grey to Violet) from throne 8 onwards.
- Event artifact adapted to the level of the throne.
- Event Spells.
- To turn the wheel required (all thrones combined) 100 event points or 69 Diamonds.
Spells to obtain from this event :
Sumptuous Feast
Poisoned Orb
Here is a list of items for the event :
- Dagger / Sharp Joke Dagger :

- Unpleasant Surprise (Artifact) :

In order to obtain the “Merry Bella” emblem, all you had to do was obtain the event artifact.