Welcome to the Ancient Set page! All informations about Cultist Set is on this page! Enjoy!

The design of the complete Ancient set
List of the Materials – Clan Territory
Crystal of Emptiness
Cult’s Hood
Faceless Mark
Effect Offer
Weapon : Reduce Health Tank
Soul Weapon : Reduce Health Enemy
Armor : Reduce Cooldown
Soul Armor : Increase Magic Damage
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Effect Set
Bonus 2/6
Once in a while, the fighter shoots a bundle of magic fire at an enemy, dealing 30 000 magic damage and reducing the target’s magic armor by 20 %. If the enemy has less than 20 % health left, they take an extra 20 000 magic damage.
Bonus 4/6
Once in a while, the fighter shoots a bundle of magic fire at 2 enemies, dealing 60 000 magic damage and reducing the target’s magic armor by 35 %. If the enemy has less than 30 % health left, they take an extra 50 000 magic damage.
Once in a while, the fighter’s attacks are enhanced and deal 100 % more damage for 5 sec. Also, the attacks reduce the affected enemies’ healing rate by 30 % for 2,5 sec and their attack speed by 30 % for 2,5 sec.
Bonus 6/6
Once in a while, the fighter shoots a bundle of magic fire at 3 enemies, dealing 90 000 magic damage and reducing the target’s magic armor by 45 %. If the enemy has less than 30 % health left, they take an extra 75 000 magic damage.
Once in a while, the fighter’s attacks are enhanced and deal 250 % more damage for 5 sec. Also, the attacks reduce the affected enemies’ healing rate by 45 % for 2,5 sec and their attack speed by 60 % for 2,5 sec.
While the enhancement is in effect, the fighter’s magic armor is increased by 35 % for 5 sec. The enemies have all positive effects removed, and new ones cannot be applied to them as long as the curse is in effect.
While the curse is in effect, the enemies take double damage from bundles of magic fire and have their max health reduced by 5 % per second. The health reduction lasts for 10 sec.
When the curse wears off, the fighters are petrified for 2 sec ; they take 30 % more damage and are dealt
110 000 magic damage.
Substance Set
Substance of Chaos
Bonus 2/6
Bundles of magic fire deal additional magic damage equal to 25 % of the Cultist’s spell power.
Bonus 4/6
Bundles of magic fire deal additional magic damage equal to 25 % of the Cultist’s spell power.
While the damage of the Cultist’s attack is increased, their spell power is increased by 40 %, and the weapon ability’s cooldown time is reduced by 3 sec.
Bonus 6/6
Bundles of magic fire deal additional magic damage equal to 25 % of the Cultist’s spell power.
While the damage of the Cultist’s attack is increased, their spell power is increased by 40 %, and the weapon ability’s cooldown time is reduced by 3 sec.
All enemies cursed by the Cultist take 500 000 magic damage for 5 sec. Also, the cooldown times of their weapon’s abilities are increased by 1 sec every second.
Substance of Harmony
Bonus 2/6
In addition to increased damage to the target with critically low health, bundles of magic fire remove a random postive effect from the target.
Bonus 4/6
In addition to increased damage to the target with critically low health, bundles of magic fire remove a random postive effect from the target.
While the damage of Cultist’s attack is increased, their attacks blind the target for 3 sec. The blinded unit has a 60 % chance to miss their target.
Bonus 6/6
In addition to increased damage to the target with critically low health, bundles of magic fire remove a random postive effect from the target.
While the damage of Cultist’s attack is increased, their attacks blind the target for 3 sec. The blinded unit has a 60 % chance to miss their target.
All enemies cursed by the Cultist have 30 % chance to be disarmed when dealing damage with an attack for 2 sec. During this time, they cannot use weapon’s abilities. Also, all enemies cursed by the Cultist have a 10 % chance to lose 2 armor when blocking damage with armor for 5 sec. During this time, they lose armor stats and cannot use armor abilities for 2 sec. Regardless of these effects, cursed enemies have the cooldown time of their artifact’s ability increased by 2 sec.
Substance of Greatness
Bonus 2/6
Instead of reducing magic armor, the Cultist steals it.
Bonus 4/6
Instead of reducing magic armor, the Cultist steals it.
While the damage of Cultist’s attack is increased, they take 30 % less damage.
Bonus 6/6
Instead of reducing magic armor, the Cultist steals it.
While the damage of Cultist’s attack is increased, they take 30 % less damage.
While the damage of Cultist’s attack is increased, their physical armor also increases by 60 % and they gain a shield that absorbs 300 000 damage. The shield aborbs damage of any type and lasts for 5 sec.
Tierlist : S
List of Items meta for the set
Soul Weapon
Soul Armor