Welcome to the Ancient Set page! All informations about Ice Angler Set is on this page! Enjoy!

The design of the complete Ancient set
List of the Materials – Arena
Water Source
Frost-Resistant Collar
Deep Sea Trophy
Tooth Bracelet
Copper Buckle
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Effect Set
Bonus 2/6
Once in a while, the unit fires a volley of 2 icicles at random enemies.
Each icicle deals 15 000 magic damage and freezes the target. If an icicle hits a frozen enemy, it deals an extra 5 000 magic damage.
While frozen, the units are unable to move or attack for 0,7 sec. Also, the cooldown times of the enemies’ gear abilities and artifact abilities are increased by 0,7 sec.
Bonus 4/6
Once in a while, the unit fires 2 volleys of 3 icicles at random enemies.
Each icicle deals 20 000 magic damage and freezes the target. If an icicle hits a frozen enemy, it deals an extra 8 000 magic damage.
While frozen, the units are unable to move or attack for 0,7 sec. Also, the cooldown times of the enemies’ gear abilities and artifact abilities are increased by 0,7 sec.
Once in a while, when an enemy tries to freeze or burn the unit, that unit removes those effects from themself.
All enemies have the cooldown times of all their abilities (except those granted by the set equipped) increased by 5 %.
Bonus 6/6
Once in a while, the unit fires 4 volleys of 2 icicles at random enemies.
Each icicle deals 45 000 (+Spell Power bonus) magic damage and freezes the target. If an icicle hits a frozen enemy, it deals an extra 15 000 (+Spell Power bonus) magic damage.
While frozen, the units are unable to move or attack for 0,7 sec. Also, the cooldown times of the enemies’ gear abilities and artifact abilities are increased by 0,7 sec.
The unit is healed, the amount of health restored equaling 10 % of the damage done by the icicles. Also, when an icicle hits an enemy, all allies are healed, the amount of health restored equaling 10 % of the damage done by the icicle.
Once in a while, when an enemy tries to use a movement restricting effect on the unit, the unit removes that effect from themself. Also, the unit is immune to freezing and burning. All enemies have the cooldown times of all their abilities (except those granted by the set equipped) increased by 10 %. Every 2 sec, the unit launches an icicle at a random enemy.
Substance Set
Substance of Chaos
Bonus 2/6
Every 3 icicle deals an additional 50 000 pure damage.
Bonus 4/6
Every 3 icicle deals an additional 50 000 pure damage.
Icicles of the Ice Angler deal additional magic damage equal to 150 % of the Ice Angler’s attack.
Bonus 6/6
Every 3 icicle deals an additional 50 000 pure damage.
Icicles of the Ice Angler deal additional magic damage equal to 150 % of the Ice Angler’s attack.
An icicle has a 25 % chance to deal an additional 100 000 (+Spell Power bonus) magic damage to the target and all enemies in a small radius. Also, all affected units turn into ice blocks for 2 sec. They cannot move and take 30 % more damage.
Substance of Harmony
Bonus 2/6
Once in a while, the Ice Angler’s spell power is increased by 25 % and by 10 % for each frozen enemy for 6 sec.
Bonus 4/6
Once in a while, the Ice Angler’s spell power is increased by 25 % and by 10 % for each frozen enemy for 6 sec.
When the freeze from the Ice Angler’s abilities ends, enemies deal 15 % less damage for 10 sec.
Bonus 6/6
Once in a while, the Ice Angler’s spell power is increased by 25 % and by 10 % for each frozen enemy for 6 sec.
When the freeze from the Ice Angler’s abilities ends, enemies deal 15 % less damage for 10 sec.
The Ice Angler’s spell power is increased by 10 % for each frozen enemy for the duration of the battle.
Substance of Greatness
Bonus 2/6
When an Icicle hits a frozen enemy, the Ice Angler’s magic armor is increased by 15 % for 4 sec. Up to 4 effects.
Bonus 4/6
When an Icicle hits a frozen enemy, the Ice Angler’s magic armor is increased by 15 % for 4 sec. Up to 4 effects.
Once in a while, when an ally is set on fire or frozen, the Ice angler removes the effects of burning or freezing from that unit.
Bonus 6/6
When an Icicle hits a frozen enemy, the Ice Angler’s magic armor is increased by 15 % for 4 sec. Up to 4 effects.
Once in a while, when an ally is set on fire or frozen, the Ice angler removes the effects of burning or freezing from that unit.
When the Ice Angler or allies restore health from the damage done by icicles, they restore additional health equal to 25 % of the Ice Angler’s spell power.
Tierlist : S
List of Items meta for the set
Soul Weapon
Soul Armor