Titans start from Throne 7. To unlock the titans, you need to buy the rift in the store.
Once you’ve purchased the room, you’ll need to make a choice about the titans.
For effective team symbiosis, take the third titan team with Cycloceros.
Here’s some information to know when you click on the “Rift” :
It’s the equivalence of this one.
Titan Patrons
The purpose of this button is to choose your titan’s pattern. Functional only if the titan is legendary.
Titan Collection
The choice of titans, you can filter the titan of your choice.
To your right is the Titan Unions button :
When you have at 1, you have earned a titan bonus gain.
For example, ” King’s Entourage ” :
You can receive 15 diamonds per quest. By clicking on the button next to “Receive”, you can check the progress of your quests :
Squad Challenge
The concept is the same Squad Challenge you usually have in your barracks.
Incremented activities will be covered in a separate tutorial.
First, select the titan :
Before teaching a course on the titan itself, you need to know the titan’s type and its Hustlemon type table.
-White : Type of titan.
-Red : The ability to upgrade titans with sparks.
-Yellow : Ability to upgrade seals with titanites.
-Green : Upgrade titan with a greater number of levels.
In the red section, click on “Increase” to add sparks to improve the titan’s level.
In the yellow section, click on the seal to add titanites to improve the titan’s level.
In the green part, when you click on the button, you will notice the conditions to make the titan level up which can also include the seals, to find the puzzle pieces, you have to do the tower of the titans, coliseum, roulette….
Then the Abilities button, next to the seals, is a new dedicated upgrade with elemental stones :
To collect elemental stones, you need to do the activities dedicated to titans.
And finally, there are the stigmas :
A stigma goes like this :
The stigma set must be respected. In this example, the stigma must match the titan. A Tank sign is on the stigma, so it must be on a Tank set, not an Archer.
When you assemble several stigmas together, you get an extra set bonus.
To improve stigmas, you need energy stones and creation stones.
Please note that the game doesn’t mention this at the outset, but two of the same stigmas cannot be accumulated.
Finally, there’s the Evolution section, which involves upgrading the titan according to its rank (Number of Stars) and elixirs.
By resetting all upgrades, you won’t lose the elixirs you’ve invested. Resources are free of charge, and you can swap stats at your convenience.
An informative Excel document on everything you need to know about titans is below. Please note that the documentation is not complete. It will be posted directly on our social networks.
Here’s all the information about titans, we hope it’s more or less informative for you.
For any other information concerning the current meta of titans and stigmas, they are in the navigation menu or in the banner of the page depending on what you are looking for.