- Taupopoly event, Sir Mole will appear in front of your castle gates soon.
- An improvement of talents and alliances on the interface and alliance management.
- The function of equipment has been improved!

Items Event:
Amulet :
Once in a while, the wearer of the amulet becomes immune to the effects of burning and reduced healing for {} s. and gains a shield that blocks {} damage.
Mage Armor:
Once in a while, a fighter throws an alchemical vial at a random enemy under the effect of mind control, if the target of the throw was immobilized {} enemy fighters within a small radius of the target will also be immobilized, otherwise they will be stunned for {} s.
Once in a while a fighter casts an alchemical vial on a random enemy under the control effect, if the target of the cast was immobilized, frozen, or turned to stone {} enemy fighters within a small radius of the target will also be subject to these effects, otherwise they will be stunned for {} s.
Archer Armor:
Once in a while, a fighter casts a bag of medicine to himself and {} random allies, restoring {} the health of each and removing the effects of stun, slow, fear, and silence from them. This ability can only be used by a fighter using an archer weapon.
Every now and then, a fighter casts a bag of medicine on himself and {} random allies, restoring {} health to everyone and removing stun, slow, fear, and silence effects on them and himself. The ability can be used even if the owner of the equipment is under the effects of stun, fear or silence. The ability can only be used by a fighter using an archer weapon.
Armure Tank:
Once in a while, the fighter provokes opponents and forces them to attack him for {} sec. During the provocation action, all incoming damage is reduced by {} and the fighter duplicates the healing applied by any ally on himself.
Once in a while, the fighter provokes his opponents and forces them to attack him for {} s. During the provocation action, all incoming damage is reduced by {} and the fighter duplicates the healing applied by any ally on himself. If a fighter dies during the provocation action, then with a {} chance, he will be resurrected.
Activation:At the start of battle
The event arrow jumps onto random soldiers on the battlefield. Each time it jumps, it changes color and heals an ally for {} health, or deals {} damage to the enemy.
One of the following effects triggers from time to time, depending on the arrow’s color and target.
On the enemy:
The red arrow sets the target on fire, dealing {} damage and reducing healing by {} for {} sec.
The blue arrow freezes the target, preventing it from moving and attacking for {} sec. It also increases the cooldown of all abilities (except full abilities).
The green arrow poisons the target, dealing {} damage over {} sec. Attack speed and damage are reduced by {} every second.
On an ally:
Red arrow restores {} health.
Blue arrow imposes immunity to magic damage for {} sec.
Green arrow imposes invulnerability to physical damage for {} sec.
Transformation Rune:
Two event arrows jump onto random soldiers on the battlefield. One jumps only on allies, and the other only on opponents. Each time they jump, they change color and one arrow heals an ally for {} health, while the other deals {} damage to the enemy.
One of the following effects triggers from time to time, depending on the color and target of the arrow.
On the enemy:
The red arrow sets the target on fire, dealing {} damage and reducing healing by {} for {} sec.
The blue arrow freezes the target, preventing it from moving and attacking for {} sec. It also increases the cooldown of all abilities (except full abilities).
The green arrow poisons the target, dealing {} damage over {} sec. Attack speed and damage are reduced by {} every second.
On an ally:
Red arrow restores {} health.
Blue arrow imposes immunity to magic damage for {} sec.
Green arrow imposes invulnerability to physical damage for {} sec.
Grimoire (Throne 10/11):
Once in a while, a fighter puts up to {} enemy fighters to sleep around the farthest enemy fighter. They cannot attack, use abilities, the cooldown on all abilities is increased by {} sec. and their health cannot be restored for {} seconds. Damage taken by sleeping units is reduced by {}.
Once in a while, a fighter puts up to {} enemy fighters to sleep around the furthest enemy fighter. They cannot attack, use abilities, the cooldown on all abilities is increased by {} sec. and their health cannot be restored for {} seconds. Damage to sleeping units is reduced by {}. Also, the cooldown on {} allied armor abilities is reduced by {} sec.
Once in a while, he takes a shot at the enemy fighter with the lowest health, if the shot kills the target, then the fighter’s attacks scare the target for {} s.
The fighter’s attacks ignore the target’s armor if it is stunned or slowed.
Once in a while, reduces the incoming healing of a random enemy unit by {} for {} sec. During the effect, enemies in a small area around the fighter take damage equal to the remaining incoming heals.
Once in a while, a fighter sees the future in a magic ball and increases the dodge of allied fighters by {} for {} s. Opponents cannot dodge during this time.
Once in a while, a fighter sees the future in a magic ball and increases the evasion of allied fighters by {} for {} s. Opponents cannot dodge during this time. Upon receiving lethal damage, an ally under the effect has {} chances to restore {} health.
SOON (What has not yet been officially announced for this update):
- New sets.
- Updated Tavern from Clan Territory.
- The clan emblem can have unique special effects when you complete a chest objective.
- New boss in the Clan Territory portal.
- The clan emblem can have unique special effects when you complete an objective.
- You can change the clan name.
- Dragon Merchant. (Objets Underwater + Artifice de la folie + Montures).
- Donkey for Black Friday (November 22nd approximately) (Dino + Alien Shotgun) (11 items)
- New boss in CT.
- Price reduction in Expedition.
- New Expedition matchmaking. 2V2 / 4V4
- New clan glory chest.
- Reduction of the clan glory chests.
- New content in the clan chests.
- 10 new levels in the portal ( 55 835 559 PHM Max in the portal )
- New items in the portal with Dark Souls 2 ( for Tr11 )
- Clockworkers also have the ability to equip the best equipment in the rooms where you can speed up production.
- In the interface for changing the appearance of the castle, which can be accessed from the throne room, it is now possible to directly purchase items from past events for diamonds. Items that are not available for purchase will display a timer indicating when they will be available. (Example: Oktoberfest = 20 €. The price will be 3000 Diamonds (guess)).

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