The Rune Scanders event starts in Throne 5, and it’ll be Shrum at the gates of your castle!


Activation : Once in a while
A sandstorm breaks out on the battlefield. The storm lasts {} s. During this time, every second, a random enemy turns to stone for {} sec. He cannot move and suffers {} additional damage. He also deals {} magic damage for {} seconds. In addition, during a storm, all enemies are blinded and miss their target with {} chance.

A sandstorm begins on the battlefield. The storm lasts {} s. During this time, every second, a random enemy fighter turns to stone for {} sec. He cannot move and deals {} additional damage. He and all enemy fighters in a small radius around him also receive {} magic damage. In addition, during a storm, all enemy fighters are blinded and miss their target with a probability of {}.
Skin Maps
Skin Santa
The runes depend on the type of weapon and can be applied to armor.
Rune Tank


We don’t have the description at the moment, so please come back the next day, as our tutorials are updated fairly quickly.

We don’t have the description at the moment, so please come back the next day, as our tutorials are updated fairly quickly.

Once in a while, when a fighter receives a movement restriction, stun, freeze, petrification or fear effect, he removes all these effects from himself and stuns all enemy fighters in a small radius around him for {} seconds.

When a fighter is subject to a movement restriction, stun, freeze, petrification or fear effect, he deals {} fewer points of damage.

Once in a while, when a unit deals a critical hit, it disarms the unit that dealt the hit for {} seconds. During this time, the enemy cannot use the weapon’s capabilities.
Rune Mage


When a fighter receives {} damage, he receives a shield that blocks {} damage for {} seconds. In addition, the fighter’s spell power increases by {} for {} sec.

For the duration of the fight, a combatant cannot be silenced.

We don’t have the description at the moment, so please come back the next day, as our tutorials are updated fairly quickly.

Once in a while, the caster increases the damage, attack speed and physical breakthrough of a random ally (priority archer) by {} for {} sec.
Rune Archer


Once in a while, when a fighter receives a movement restriction, stun, freeze, petrification or fear effect, he loses all these effects and his physical and magic armor increases by {} and no negative effects can be applied for {} seconds.

Once in a while, a fighter drains the vitality of a random enemy for {} sec. When the fighter drains vitality, the enemy inflicts {} less damage and suffers {} more damage. Maximum effect {}. The fighter also begins to inflict {} more damage and suffer {} less damage for {} sec.

Once in a while, the fighter removes all negative effects and receives a shield that blocks {} damage for {} sec. The fighter also increases his damage by {} for {} s.

We don’t have the description at the moment, so please come back the next day, as our tutorials are updated fairly quickly.
Here are the other runes that can be unlocked during the event:
- Price offer : 10.99 €
- 2 500 Diamonds ( Russian player )

Offer Mace

Challenge Event
Once in a while, the fighter electrifies the target of the attack for {} sec. Each time the electrified fighter uses abilities, he is stunned for {} seconds.
Throughout the battle, the fighter’s physical and magical armor is increased by {}.
For each fighter killed on the battlefield, the fighter’s physical and magical armor increases by {}.
Once in a while, a fighter removes weapon(s) and armor(s) from a random enemy for {} sec. The enemy loses {} armor parameters and cannot use armor and weapon abilities for {} s. At the end of the ability, the enemy is silenced, preventing use of the artifact. For {} sec, he cannot use the artifact’s ability.

Activation : Once in a while
A thundercloud appears over a random enemy (preferably a mage) for {} seconds. The thundercloud silences the target, preventing it from using its weapon, armor and artifact abilities, and every {} seconds deals {} magic damage and has {} chances to stun the target for {} seconds.

Several thunderclouds appear over {} random enemies (mainly a mage) for {} seconds. Each thunderclouds silences the target, preventing it from using its weapon, armor and artifact abilities, and every {} seconds deals {} magic damage and has a {} chance to stun the target for {} seconds.