Try to win 250 diamonds !
How to participate ?
Just choose the box you want. We have hidden 10 easter eggs with your ID.
For example A1 – XXXXXXX ( ID )
The square can be taken multiple times, if there are 2 winners on the same square, the first of the two winners will win. Prohibited to participate 2 times thanks !
The contest ends on 17/04/2022 at 23h GMT+2
You receive the price the next week.

D2 – 59359324
D7 – 46538102
J2 – 64014714
7 J – 24791827
H7 – ID: 59394506
H6 id60848020
B2 – ID 60873405
D10 – 48171245
D10 ID: 54241252
E6 – ID:60467738
G4- ID-67770315
H2 – ID:62526154
J2 ID: 23986889
H7 id:47170091
A 10 46300311
F8 – 62745574
H9 – 812756
c 3 8466502
H6 48485250
G6 – 58183034
E3 30264124
B2 38273125
D9 – 39583965
F4 64027555
B5 48191229
F7 – 69951760
I was able to purchase some items from the store yesterday for the Titans. Then the game would not allow me to purchase anything more. Contacted my bank and all is good on my end. Tried to contact support but it is not working on my end. This has happened to me before, but I was able to contact support. I’m worried I’m going to miss out on some good stuff.
Do you want us to give you a contact address to reach the support?