Here is the list of the various in-game chests you can earn and their content:
Some chests are scalable and others are not. What does that mean? A scalable chest will have its content increase when you upgrade to a new throne level. It is recommended to save scalable chests early on until your reach Throne level 10 or 11.
Resource Sending Chest:
- Obtained after sending resources to 10 friends.
- It is not scalable.
- The amount of resources contained in the chest depends on your throne when you obtain the chest.
- The level of equipment varies depending on the level of your best fighter.

Resource Chest (Extraordinary / Rare):
This chest can only be obtained in “Path” events and is only available at Throne levels 4 to 7.
Not scalable.

Gold Chest:
This chest can only be obtained from an offer offered by the game and Clan Territory Shop.
Not scalable.

Mana Chest:
It is obtained in a “Challenge” event up to Throne 10, and Clan Territory Shop. Not scalable.

Food Chest:
a) Chest is offered to you by the
administration (in the event of a bug during a Clan War). (Not scalable)
b) Purchase from Traveling Merchant (Donkey) or win during an event. (Scalable)

Reward Chest (Invasion Chest):
This is obtained after completing the 10 daily invasion spots.
The level of equipment varies according to the highest skill level of the castle resident of that trade in question (combat, alchemy, cooking, etc.).
Chest is scalable: This chest awards a torch from Throne 9 and Mithril at Throne 11 (9,000 to 11,000). Storing is recommended.

Victory’s Chest (Clan War Chest):
This chest requires you to win your Clan War spot.
Chest is scalable up to Throne level 10, i.e. chests obtained before Throne 11 will not see their content change when reaching Throne 11.
It contains gray particles from Throne 8 (1,500 to 3,000) and materials at Throne 11 (which are used to make antique sets).

Hero’s Chest (End of Season Chest):
You get this chest at the end of the Clan Wars season (which lasts 14 days) if you have met your glory quota (blue stars). The quota varies according to the level of throne.
Scalable: This chest contains materials and an ancient essence in Throne 11 (ancient sets). Its storing is strongly recommended.

(Daily) Quest Chest (Extraordinary / Rare / Epic):
It is obtained after collecting a certain number of scrolls (the number depends on the chest, you cannot choose).
Chest is scalable. It contains materials in Throne 11. Storing is recommended.
To store these chests, simply do not open them. (for more details, click on the ”+“)

Reward Chest (Way of the Event):
The level of equipment varies according to the maximum level of the fighter of the Throne. For example, in Throne 6, the equipment is level 40. In Throne 4 equipment is rare, in Throne 5 it is epic and it is legendary for Thrones 6 and 7.
Not scalable.

Player Chest (Rune Event):
It is obtained by fighting on the runes event card. The amount of resources depends on your Throne level and the equipment on the level of your fighters (chest is scalable).
These chests may contain cards for the “massacre” collections, so they should be opened until you have earned all runes. Note that the massacre cards are only awarded when the event is live. No cards are awarded during the 3 day grace period at the end of the event.

Bad Santa Chest:
This can only be obtained by defeating Bad Santa during a Runes Event.
Scalable: The level of equipment varies according to the level of your fighters and the amount of resources varies according to your level of Throne.
During the event, it contains between 1 to 3 cards: it highly recommended to open them (unless all runes have been collected).

Heroic Chest:
You can get it in Challenge and Way of The Event. When obtained in a Challenge Event, it opens automatically. Not scalable.

Reward Chest (Rune Event):
You get this chest during a Runes Event if you bought the Pass and earned the artifact.
The level of equipment it contains varies depending on your Throne. It can also contain a Soul at Throne 11.
Not scalable.

Mythic Chest:
You get this chest for diamonds in the Market and Royal Events and Paths. It opens automatically when obtained from a Royal Event or the Market.
The equipment obtained depends on the level of your fighters.
Not scalable.

Tournament Chest:
To get this chest, you just need to finish on the podium in the Arena .

Royal Tournament Chest:
To have a chance of obtaining this chest, you must finish on the podium in the Arena using a Ticket.
Below fighter level 67, it contains at least one level 60-75 artifact and level 60-62 gear. Then, beyond level 67, the equipment will be scaled to the level of your best fighter.
If you have a level 76 fighter, the artifacts will be level 75-90 and if your fighter is level 100, your artifact will be level 90-100.
At Throne 11, if you have a level 100 fighter, you will also be able to obtain a Soul.
Chest is Scalable. Store until Throne 11.

Adept’s Chest (Arena):
This chest is only available at Throne 5 in the Arena store or for purchase through an offer (Arena items).
Not scalable.

Master’s Chest (Arena):
This chest can be obtained in the Arena store or by purchasing an offer (Arena items).
Its content varies according to your Throne level: from Throne 7, it contains legendary equipment; from Throne 8, it contains legendary artifacts (with a fighter at least level 60); in Throne 11 and if you have a level 100 fighter, you can get a Legendary Soul.
The equipment you receive is adapted to the level of your fighters.
Not scalable.

Portal Chest (Portal / Levels):
You get this chest at certain portal levels. The higher the portal level, the better the rewards. Please note: As you increase your Throne, the less resources these chests contain. These chests are regressive!

Fighter’s Chest (Portal / Arena):
You get this chest when you are in the Arena or Portal ranking .
Chest is scalable.
The equipment it contains depends on the level of your fighters.

Chest of Gems :
These chests can be obtained during “Treasure Hunt” events. They can also be purchased in the Market for diamonds and in the Gem Bay store for kraken tokens. They can only be opened from Throne 8.

Dungeon Chest (Purple):
It is obtained after defeating a dungeon boss. Not scalable.

Monstrous Dungeon Chest (Torch):
You get this chest by defeating a dungeon boss that was started with a torch.
The resources in this chest do not scale. On the other hand, the equipment is adapted to the level of your fighters beyond levels 67-70.

Winner’s Dungeon Chest:
This is obtained in a dungeon during a mortal combat.
The equipment contained in this chest is adapted to the level of your fighters.

Material Chest (Uncommon):
You get this chest during a “Treasure Hunt” Event.
You can only open it at Throne 11.

Material Chest (Rare):
You get this chest during a “Treasure Hunt” Event or, if you bought the pass, during a “Royal” Event . You can also buy it for 550 Diamonds in the Market.
It can only be opened at Throne 11.

Material Chest (Epic / Legendary):
You can get one of these chests if you have the Golden Pass during a “Royal” Event . They can also be purchased for diamonds in the Market (1,600/3,100).
You will only be able to open them after reaching Throne 11.

Conqueror’s Chest (Portal Chest of the Abyss Boss):
This chest is obtained by finishing in the top 5 of the ranking of a clan boss (the boss must be killed).
It is not scalable and does not vary depending on the level of your fighters. The level of equipment depends on the level of the boss.

Marauder’s Chest:
To get this chest you just need to win an expedition with your clan.
Chest is Scalable.