The Great Samurai Challenge with a huge variety of unique rewards awaits you.
The duration of the “Great Challenge” event has been shortened, and at the same time it has undergone serious improvements.
The Arena will be available from level 3 of the Throne Room, and algorithms for selecting participants will be improved.
The Pirate League will launch in Gem Bay We will provide the event date and more info as soon as the update is completely active.

Item Event
Each time the enemy is resurrected, the fighter throws a sword at it that deals {} points of damage and reduces healing received by {} for {} sec.
Tank Armor :
Once in a while, when a fighter is exposed to negative effects, heals himself of {} health. Also increases his magical armor by {} for {} seconds. Cumulates {} times.
Once in a while, when a fighter is exposed to negative effects, heals {}. Also increases his magical armor by {} and his physical armor by {} for {} sec. Cumulates {} times.
Once in a while, the fighter throws lightning bolts, which hit {} opponents. All affected units take {} magic damage and turn to stone. They cannot move and take {} additional damage. Duration {} seconds.
Once in a while, the fighter fires lightning bolts that hit {} opponents. All units hit take {} damage and turn to stone. They cannot move and take {} additional points of damage. Duration {} seconds. When the petrification falls, the stones explode and deal {} magic damage in a small area.
Mage Armor:
Once in a while, the fighter creates a small cloud of ice that flies over all opponents. Their attack speed is slowed by {}. The fighter and all allies receive shields that block {} damage for {} sec.
Once in a while, the fighter creates a small cloud of ice that flies over all opponents. Their attack speed is slowed by {}. The fighter and all allies receive shields that block {} damage for {} seconds. When the shields fall, they explode and deal {} magic damage in a small area.
Once in a while, a hawk flies toward the enemy. It periodically inflicts {} damage in a small area. For each fighter hit, its damage is increased by {}. Cumulative {} times.
Archer Armor :
The fighter hides in the shadows and his body becomes translucent in {} sec. Dodge increases by {}, crit increases by {}. As long as the fighter is hidden in the shadows. Once in a while, after a critical attack, he throws a kunai at the enemy, which inflicts {} damage and throws the enemy off balance. He can no longer dodge or deal critical damage for {} sec.
Runes :
The fighter hides in the shadows and his body becomes translucent in {} s. Dodge increases by {}, crit increases by {}. While the fighter is hidden in the shadows.Once in a while, after a critical attack, he throws {} to {} kunai at the enemy, which inflict {} damage and throw the enemy off balance. He can no longer dodge or deal critical damage for {} sec.
Once in a while (???):
After each {} attack, the target’s attack speed is reduced by {} s.
After each {} attack, the fighter’s target cannot move for {} s.
After each {} attack, the unit’s target is stunned for {} s.
Amulet :
Each time a fighter dies, the owner of the amulet increases maximum health by {} and damage by {} for {} sec. Accumulates {} times.
Artifact :
L’ennemi le plus proche subit {} dégâts physiques pendant {} s. Si la cible meurt sous l’effet de l’effet, celui-ci reprend sur le combattant le plus proche d’elle.
Rune :
L’ennemi le plus proche subit {} dégâts physiques pendant {} s. Si la cible meurt sous l’effet de l’effet, celui-ci reprend sur le combattant le plus proche.
Les dégâts ignorent {} armures.
SOON (What has not yet been officially announced for this update):
- New sets.
- Updated Tavern from Clan Territory.
- The clan emblem can have unique special effects when you complete a chest objective.
- New boss in the clan territory portal.

Artifact of the Traveling Merchant:
Once in a while :
Once in a while, scares a random enemy for {} sec. It takes {} magic damage for {} s. While fright is active, the ally with the lowest health is invulnerable to damage, his weapon ability cooldown is reduced by {} sec. and he restores {} health over {} sec.
Once in a while, scares a random enemy by {} and increases the cooldown of his artifact ability by {} s. It takes {} magic damage for {} s. While fear is active, the ally with the least health is invulnerable to damage, the cooldown on his weapon ability is reduced by {} sec. and he restores {} health over {} sec.
Balance Items:
Sceptre of the alien:
The invulnerability during the whole fight is transformed for 22 sec in total.
It can have an extension if the effect of the ally has been accumulated.
Beware: If the effect activates at the 5th sec on your ally, your ally has 22 sec of invulnerability (=27th sec), if it activates again at the 10th sec, your ally has 22 sec of this invulnerability (=32nd sec).
Eye of the Dragon (Artifact):
The artifact will resurrect with 50% health, not with all health as before. When fighters are resurrected, they are not allowed to use the artifact.
Armor of the Angel:
Magic damage taken is now reduced by 40% instead of 50%.
Crab Armor:
Debuff invulnerability now lasts 5 seconds, instead of 6.
Stun now lasts 2 seconds, instead of 3.
Rune health regeneration now lasts 6 seconds instead of 5.
Celestial Orb:
Reduces orb cooldown. Increased missile damage from X to Y.
Y > X
Christmas Bell:
Instead of reducing the health of a revived ally, the ally is now invulnerable for 0.5 seconds after being revived.
The duration of the damage increase is reduced from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.
The names of the amulets and rings in honor of each boss have appeared, their purpose in the game is also completely vague? Will there be new activities? New bosses? Tests?
Amulet of Adrika
Ring of Adrika
Amulet of Argonius
Ring of Argonius
Amulet of Om-Mom
Ring of Om- Mom
Amulet of Katrice
Ring of Katrice
Ring of Gobbledygook
Ring of Gobbledygook
Ring of the Lord of the Abyss
Ring of the Lord of the Abyss
Ring of ShortCircuit
Ring of ShortCircuit
Amulet Frogus
Frogus Ring
Amulet of Grav
Ring of Grav
Amulet of Mortalis
Ring of Mortalis
Amulet of Shrum
Ring of Shrum
Amulet of Sir Mole
Ring of Sir Mole
Amulet of Uranus
Ring of Uranus
The price of marauder’s cards to go on expeditions will be greatly reduced.
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