The event “Oktoberfest” started in September 2018.
The event lasts 12 Days, the type of the event is a roulette.
From 19 September 2018 to 1 October 2018.

Grav in front of your castle :

A preview of the event below :

Content of the event:
- Castle backgrounds (Flag, Bridge, Windows, etc…).
- Resources according to the throne (Apples, Gold, etc…) (Iron from throne 9 for example).
- Event holdings.
- Resource holdings by throne level.
- Gems/Dust (Grey to Purple) from throne 8 onwards.
- Event artifacts by throne level.
- Event Spells
To turn the wheel, the currency (all thrones combined) :
- 100 Event Spells
- 69 Diamonds
The armor of the event is that of a magician.
As for the Weapon, it is a Sceptre/Orb/Wand.
Spells to obtain from this event:
- Mind Control
- Sumptuous Feast

- Chain Lightning (Artifact) :

To get the “Pretzel Eater” emblem, you need to obtain the Event Artifact.